By English WORD or PHRASE
By Lenape WORD or PHRASE
Talk Lenape!
Categories of Words
in Lenape
In using the Lenape language (or any other
Algonquian language) the world is divided into two categories: ANIMATE and INANIMATE.
It is important to learn in which category the words are placed. For the most part this is a fairly simple
choice since nearly all living things will be ANIMATE and non-living things will
Nearly all languages divide their words
into categories (which linguists usually refer to as GENDER). In French or Spanish everything is either
masculine or feminine, so in learning the language you must also learn that a
table is considered feminine while a book is masculine. In many Germanic languages there are three
categories, and in some African languages as many as ten.
You might wonder why this is
important. The nouns [remember that a
noun “names a person, place or thing”] must be classed as either Animate or
Inanimate, but so are the words that go with them. For example, if you say, “I have a dog?”
you say, “Nulhala mwekane” which is literally “I-have-him dog.” On the other hand if the noun is
Inanimate, such as Lokèns = Dish, then the verb changes. “I have a dish” is “Nulhatu lokèns” literally I-have-it dish.
The Articles in Lenape
In English the Articles are the words A
- AN - THE, as well as the words THIS
- THAT -
In Lenape there is no word for the English A
or AN. For example:
mili tipas - means - give me a chicken
There is no word in Lenape which exactly
matches the English word THE because in English THE can be used for one thing,
several things, and even for people.
Lenape is more specific. The
Article will tell you if the subject is Animate or Inanimate, nearby or far
away, and if there is one or more than one.
In many ways the Articles in Lenape are more like the English words
articles are as follows:
Nearby |
Not Nearby (or) Not Present
Animate Singular |
wa (this) |
na (that) |
Animate Plural |
yuki (these) |
nèki (those) |
Inanimate Singular |
yu (this) |
në (that) |
Inanimate Plural |
yuli (these) |
nèl (those) |
To give a better idea how these are used,
here are some short sentences in Lenape.
First the Animate forms.
Lenape English
sëksu wa pushis this cat is black
seksuwàk yuki pushisàk these cats are
sëksu na pushis that cat is black
sëksuwàk nèki pushisàk those cats are
how the verb ('to be black') and the Article change to match the subject
('cat'). Now here are some Inanimate
sëke yu ahsën this rock is black
sëkeyo yuli ahsëna these
rocks are black
sëke në ahsën that rock is black
sëkeyo nèl ahsëna those rocks are black
As with ('cat') in the first set of sentences, here too the verb and the Article change to match the subject ('rock'). English does this somewhat also, because you know you would not say, "Look at the rock, he is black" for the simple reason that it does not sound correct.
Lenape English
nisha two
naxa three
newa four
palenàxk five
kwëtash six
nishash seven
xash eight
pèshkunk nine
tèlën ten
Pointing - One
interesting old tradition among the Lenape was the custom of pointing with the
lips. It was considered very impolite to
point at a person using your finger, and it was also considered very bad to
ever point at a grave with your finger.
Instead the Lenape pointed with their lips by slightly pursing the lips
in the direction you wish to indicate.
The Lenape word for this custom is Shètunèxin.
Weather in Lenape
wëli kishku It
is a good day
mushhakòt The
sky is clear
lëlëwàxën There
is a breeze
kshëlànte It
is a hot day
kùmhòkòt It is cloudy
sukëlan It
is raining
kshilan It
is raining hard
sasapëlehële There
is lightning
pèthakhòn It
is thundering
aon It
is foggy
kshàxën It
is windy
kaoxën Tornado
thapàn It
is cool
thè It
is cold
thupàn There
is frost
wine It
is snowing