Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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Search Results of "turtle" English to Lenape

Sentence Results

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English:A turtle cannot fly away because he does not have any wings.
Lenape:Tahkox ku kàski kënthwihële èli mata wëlunkòna wëlatu.
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English:A turtle went there.
Lenape:Tulpe mah ika e.
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English:I go to Turtle Creek -or- Turtle River.
Lenape:Tulpehanink nta.
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English:I myself led these of the Turtle Clan when there was a war.
Lenape:Ni ntëli sahkakwënaneyo yuki Pukuankuichik ènta mahtakenk.
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English:Josephine has turtles, I think she has four of them.
Lenape:Josephine wëlahële taxkoxa, ntite newa wëlahële.
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