Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

By English WORD or PHRASE

By Lenape WORD or PHRASE

1248 Sample Sentence Search Results For "ta"

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English:Animal ears.
Lenape:Aèsësi hwitaoka.
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English:It is difficult for me to chew because my teeth were pulled.
Lenape:Ahchinki nshëshkòmwi èli nipita kchihëleyok.
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English:That is so, my (man) friend.
Lenape:Ahìkta, nchu.
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English:He was a great man in his lifetime.
Lenape:Ahìnu naka lënuwa ènta lehëlexèt.
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English:It is very shady here.
Lenape:Ahi thakòt yu tali.
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English:He is very smart.
Lenape:Ahi watàm.
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English:Count the rocks.
Lenape:Ahkënta nèk ahsëna.
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English:We discussed work.
Lenape:Ahkënutàmënèn mikëmòsëwakàn.
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English:It is difficult when one wants to say something.
Lenape:Ahòt ènta awèn kèku kahta luwèt.
English:It is hard (difficult) to walk when it is hot.
Lenape:Ahòt pëmëskan ènta kshëlàntèk.
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English:I go to Deer Creek.
Lenape:Ahtuhwi Sipunk nta.
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English:I am sorry I stepped on you.
Lenape:Alàkwi ktaphìkul.
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English:I will go to town tomorrow morning if it does not rain.
Lenape:Alàpàch utènink nta mata sukëlanu.
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English:Tomorrow I will go to town.
Lenape:Alàpa xu utènink nta.
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English:Hurry and come here.
Lenape:Alàpsi wëntaxa.
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English:You are just like a thief!
Lenape:Alashi kèhkamutkèt ta ki!
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English:Like a chicken when he is scratching (the ground).
Lenape:Alàshi tipas ènta sisënikèt.
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English:He began to vomit.
Lenape:Alëmi mëlàntàm.
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English:It is beginning to bloom.
Lenape:Alëmi òtaeyu.
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English:Some near Dewey speak Lenape.
Lenape:Alënte alënixsuwàk wëntahkwi Dewey. {DN}
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English:I would rather go to the mountains.
Lenape:Alëwi kitahtënink nkata a.
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English:I love you more.
Lenape:Alëwi ktaholël/
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English:He ate more than I did.
Lenape:Alëwi mitsu nawènahta ni.
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English:They would rather gamble.
Lenape:Alëwi shëk kahta hatikeyok.
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English:I would rather go to the country.
Lenape:Alëwi tekënink nkata a.
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English:I would rather go to the city.
Lenape:Alëwi utènink nkata a.
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English:Alice has two kittens.
Lenape:Alice wëlahële nisha pushitëta.
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English:He sent us on an errand to bring these good things to give to the chief.
Lenape:Alukakehëna tìli pètuna weltëk kèkuna ènta milënt na sakima.
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English:large teeth
Lenape:Amànki wipita.
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English:The trees fell over when the wind blew.
Lenape:Amihëleyok hìtkuk ènta kshàxink.
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English:I put on a blue shirt; I am wearing a blue shirt.
Lenape:Aonhèmpës ika ntatu.
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English:I ate an apple and then I went to school.
Lenape:Apëlìsh nëmuhò na në shkulink ntan.
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English:And so many other tribes in that direction ate it.
Lenape:Ashìte yuk kènu wëntahkwi awènhakeyok xeli mwichineyo,
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English:I put on green pants.
Lenape:Askàskwèk pëlëchis ika ntatu.
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English:Put the fire out.
Lenape:Ateha në tëntay.
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English:A person has difficulty using it.
Lenape:Awèn ahchinki nhakatàmën
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English:I just don't know who you are! (exclamation of frustration)
Lenape:Awèn èt ta xi ki!
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English:Who will go and get some fire?
Lenape:Awèn hàch a natink tëntay?
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English:Who wants to fight?
Lenape:Awèn hàch kahta mahtake? {DN}
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English:Who taught you?
Lenape:Awèn hàch kwëntamakèn?
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English:Who is the stronger?
Lenape:Awèn hèch alëwi chitanësu?
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English:Who wants to sing?
Lenape:Awèn hèch kahta asuu?
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English:Who wants to go to New York?
Lenape:Awèn hèch kahta New York e?
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English:A person should not play a musical instrument when lying down.
Lenape:Awèn matàch ta shenkixinu ènta ahpikwèt.
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English:Someone will come when it gets daylight.
Lenape:Awèn xu pe enta opànk.
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English:A person will eat with the devil when he does that.
Lenape:Awèn xu wipumao a mahtan'tu ènta në lësit.
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English:He slept late and he cannot eat.
Lenape:Ayëhelunkòm, mata kàski mitsii.
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English:I go up the hill.
Lenape:Chëweyunk nta. {DN}
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English:He was flirty when he was young.
Lenape:Chihchëmësu enta wësksite.
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English:I go to Turkey Creek.
Lenape:Chikënëmwi Sipunk nta.
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English:When will you do that?
Lenape:Chinke hàch këmikëntàmën?
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English:Someone who has supernatural powers can do witchcraft.
Lenape:Chipilësu nàni kàski a mëtanhike.
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English:That doll has power.
Lenape:Chipilësu na òhtas.
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English:It is dangerous.
Lenape:Chìpi ta le.
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English:That horse is strong.
Lenape:Chitanësu.na nehënaonkès.
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English:They were tightly closed in.
Lenape:Chitani kpahunsuwàk.
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English:When the birds made tracks. (such as in mud or snow)
Lenape:Chulën'sàk ènta pènhatuhtit.
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English:I am going to Copan (Oklahoma).
Lenape:Copanink nta.
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English:I am going to Dewey.
Lenape:Deweyink nta.
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English:Yes, I am a Delaware.
Lenape:E-e, Lënape ta ni.
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English:The woman went into the bedroom.
Lenape:Ehènta kawink e na xkwe.
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English:I put it on the table.
Lenape:Ehèntalipwinkink ntatun.
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English:The molasses is sticking to the table.
Lenape:Ehèntalipwinkink psàkwixën në mëlash.
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English:The man went into the kitchen.
Lenape:Ehèntawixënink e na lënu.
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English:I placed it under the table.
Lenape:Ekwi èhèntalipwinkink ntatun.
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English:He put a pencil under the table.
Lenape:Ekwi ehëntalipwinkink tòtun pènsìl.
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English:He walked under a bridge.
Lenape:Ekwi tayahkunink pëmëske.
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English:We sat down on the ground under a big tree.
Lenape:Ekwi xinkòkunk tënta mëshkenèn.
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English:These flowers look alike.
Lenape:Elinakwsuwàk yuk òtaèsàk.
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English:When he eats the boy eats with a spoon.
Lenape:Emhòn'sahëma na pilaechëch ènta mitsit.
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English:There is the dog that bit me.
Lenape:E na mwekane ntahëmùkw.
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English:When he began to fall asleep.
Lenape:Enta alëmi kawit.
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English:When it begins to get daylight then the birds begin to sing.
Lenape:Enta alëmi òxeek na tòlëmi asuwineyo nèk chulënsàk.
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English:When he was leaving he saw the man.
Lenape:Enta alëmskat wëneyoo nèl lënuwa.
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English:When we left my house we walked by Walks-Downstream's home.
Lenape:Enta alëmskeenkw wikia mpëmshahëna Nahuxwe wikit.
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English:When a person plays a musical instrument.
Lenape:Enta awèn ahpikwèt.
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English:When a person wants to put him to sleep.
Lenape:Enta awèn kahta kawënhèt.
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English:When a person wants to put a baby to sleep they sing this.
Lenape:Enta awèn kahta kawënhèt mimëntëta nal në tëli asuwin..
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English:When someone gets ready to die.
Lenape:Enta awèn kahta palilìsit.
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English:When someone sits on (long) logs while (the other end) is burning no one will listen to him when he says anything
Lenape:Enta awèn lëmatahpit xkwìchi mësako ènta lusink matàch awèn këlsìtao ènta kèku luwèt.
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English:When he wants to hunt all the animals will start to flee.
Lenape:Enta kahta alait wèmi yuki aèsësàk alëmshimuwàk.
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English:When they want to say something they talk too loud.
Lenape:Enta kahta kèku luwèhtit sòmtunheyok.
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English:When we finished building fence Walks-Downstream went in his house.
Lenape:Enta kìshi menxkeenkw tëmikèn na Nahuxwe.
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English:When I finish soaking the dry hides I scraped them.
Lenape:Enta kishi tòkpeya nèk kaxxèsa na nchikhòmëna.
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English:When it is a hot day I begin to really feel like I would vomit.
Lenape:Enta kshëtèk yu kishkwik ntalëmi ahi nkata mëlàntàm alàshi.
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English:When he writes he uses a (quill) pen.
Lenape:Enta lekhikèt mikwën nhakale.
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English:When Rosemary goes to a dance she takes Lucy along.
Lenape:Enta mahwit na Rosemary tòlëmuxòlao hànkw nèl Lucyo.
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English:When he said that we thought we would help him.
Lenape:Enta në luwèt ntitehahëna wichëmawëna.
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English:He stays around the flowers.
Lenape:Enta òtaèsàk ihahpu.
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English:When we came to visit our older sister.
Lenape:Enta pèchi kiikàmat washe nëmis.
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English:When I used soap I made a lot of foam.
Lenape:Enta sop nhakatàmën nëmanitu mëxeli pitay.
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English:When he got there.
Lenape:Enta tali pat.
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English:When we went to town.
Lenape:Enta untènink eyank.
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English:When it snows I will go hunting.
Lenape:Enta winèk xu ntalai.
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English:When I eat meat I get choked.
Lenape:Enta wiyus michia ntaluhwi.
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English:When he eats meat.
Lenape:Enta wiyus michit.
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English:Where it is deep is where the fish are located.
Lenape:Enta xitkwèk tòpineyo nèk namèsàk.
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English:When the world was new.
Lenape:Enta xkwithakamika wëskink.
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English:Every Spring I make garden.
Lenape:Eshi sikònk ntakihe.
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English:I put the child on the ground.
Lenape:Hakink ntahëla na mimëns.
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English:I put it down on the ground.
Lenape:Hakink ntatun.
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English:He used a bow when he killed a deer.
Lenape:Hatapi nhakala ènta nhilat ahtu.
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English:I have a bow.
Lenape:Hatapi nulhala.
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English:He is skilled at gambling.
Lenape:Hitai hatike.
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English:You speak well.
Lenape:Hitai kpëmëtunhe.
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English:You read very well.
Lenape:Hitai ktahkànsi.
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English:He is a skilled canoemaker.
Lenape:Hitai muxulhe.
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English:She is skilled at cooking Delaware food.
Lenape:Hitai wixënu Lënapei mitsuwakàna.
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English:I sat down first.
Lenape:tami lëmatahpi.
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English:I will drink water first.
Lenape:tami mpi nëmëne.
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English:The sun is high.
Lenape:Hukweyunk tëntan.
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English:If I go there do you want to go along?
Lenape:Ika aane kata hèch wichei?
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English:He should go there because he'll catch it if he doesn't
Lenape:Ika a e, nëpwën mata ate.
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English:Let's go there.
Lenape:Ika atàm.
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English:Did you go there?
Lenape:Ika hàch kta?
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English:He put on a breechcloth.
Lenape:Ikahatu sakutakàn.
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English:You went there but did not even get out (of a conveyance)
Lenape:Ika kta shëkw mata ili klixi.
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English:Put them in the basket before we enter.
Lenape:Ikalanihin në tànkhakànink nèsko pënchiànk.
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English:I go farther to the north.
Lenape:Ikalìchi luweyunk nta.
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English:I go farther to the east.
Lenape:Ikalìchi wehènchiopànk nta.
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English:I went there.
Lenape:Ika mah nta.
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English:We went there.
Lenape:Ika mah ntahëna.
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English:I go there
Lenape:Ika nta
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English:I went there
Lenape:Ika nta
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English:We went there where Freddie lives.
Lenape:Ika ntahëna na Freddie wikit.
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English:We were there.
Lenape:Ika ntàpihëna. {DN}
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English:I went there but I didn't get out (such as from a car).
Lenape:Ika nta shëkw mata nlixi.
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English:I put on a (finger-) ring.
Lenape:Ika ntatu shapwëlënchehun.
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English:I put on a bracelet.
Lenape:Ika ntatu tëpinxkèpi.
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English:I will go there.
Lenape:Ika xu nta. {DN}
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English:I will stay there.
Lenape:Ika xu ntàpi. {D}
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English:Even if someone talked about her she would not know it.
Lenape:Ili a awèn ahkënimao mata uwatuwën.
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English:Even if someone talked about her she would not know it.
Lenape:Ili a awèn ahkënimao mata uwatuwën.
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English:Sometimes they even bring frybread.
Lenape:Ili hànkw tamse pètuwàk salàpòna.
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English:Even this language it is already difficult for a person to use it.
Lenape:Ili yu lixsëwakàn mèchi awèn ahchinki nhakatàmën.
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English:Josephine has turtles, I think she has four of them.
Lenape:Josephine wëlahële taxkoxa, ntite newa wëlahële.
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English:Don't whistle outside after dark or your mouth will go crooked.
Lenape:Kàchi chipëweyàn kochëmink ènta piskèk, xu kpimtunehëla.
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English:Don't go there, you will make him worse.
Lenape:Kàchi ika an, xu këmahtapama.
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English:Do not eat chicken skin when you are young or you will have a wrinkled face.
Lenape:Kàchi michiyàn tipasi xès ènta wësksiàn, xu kpisëlinko.
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English:Don't eat in the dark or your mouth will go crooked
Lenape:Kàchi mitsihàn ènta piskèk, xu kpimtunehëla.
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English:Do not crack nuts after it is dark.
Lenape:Kàchi pahkàsiyàn ènta piskèk.
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English:Don't worry; Don't be depressed.
Lenape:Kàchi sàkwelìntàmuhàn.
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English:Don't do that!
Lenape:Kàchi ta lësihàn!
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English:Don't get burned!
Lenape:Kàchi ta lusihàn!
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English:Don't do that!
Lenape:Kàchi ta në lësihàn!
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English:Do not forget when you pray.
Lenape:Kàchi wanihàn èmta patamaan
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English:They want to speak Lenape.
Lenape:Kahta alènixsuwàk.
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English:He wanted to go fishing.
Lenape:Kahta ame.
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English:He must want to sleep.
Lenape:Kahta èt kawi.
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English:He must have wanted to warm by their fire.
Lenape:Kahta èt mah aosu wtënteyëmëwoo.
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English:He might want to drink some water.
Lenape:Kahta èt mpi mëne.
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English:They want to go to the north.
Lenape:Kahta eyok luwàneyunk.
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English:He wants to gamble.
Lenape:Kahta hatike.
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English:They want to eat first.
Lenape:Kahta hitami mitsuwàk
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English:He wants to sleep.
Lenape:Kahta hùnt kawi.
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English:Go to sleep.
Lenape:Kahta kawi.
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English:He wants to say a few words.
Lenape:Kahta kèxapti luwe.
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English:They want three children.
Lenape:Kahtaleyok naxa mimënsàk..
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English:He wants to go on a vision quest.
Lenape:Kahta may linkwehële.
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English:She is going to have a baby.
Lenape:Kahta mimënsa wëlahële.
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English:She is going to have a baby.
Lenape:Kahta mimëtëta wëlahële.
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English:Jim wants to move.
Lenape:Kahta na Jim kwsi.
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English:He wants the way he does it to be seen.
Lenape:Kahta nenkwësu èlënink.
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English:He wants to come
Lenape:Kahta pe.
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English:He wants to speak.
Lenape:Kahta pëmëtunhe. {DN}
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English:He wants to purify himself (by burning cedar)
Lenape:Kahta pilhìksu.
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English:It is going to rain.
Lenape:Kahta sukëlan. {DN}
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English:He wants less than I want.
Lenape:Kahtatàm kèxiti nawènahta ni.
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English:He wants more than I want.
Lenape:Kahtatàm xaheli kèku nawènahta ni.
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English:He wants to come in.
Lenape:Kahta tëmike.
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English:If he wants to go somewhere.
Lenape:Kahtata ate.
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English:They want to know it.
Lenape:Kahta watuneyo.
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English:He wants to have a horse.
Lenape:Kahta wëlahële nehënayunkès.
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English:He wanted to help him wipe his shirt.
Lenape:Kahta wichëmao chiskhamën tòhèpsëm
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English:Mary fell down when she hit Bill.
Lenape:Kaihële na Mary ènta pahkàmat nèl Bill.
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English:I am going to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Kamink nta.
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English:I want to crack pecans.
Lenape:Kansèm nkata pahkàsi.
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English:The people were surprised.
Lenape:Kanshelìntàmuk nèk awènik.
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English:Let's go to Coffeyville.
Lenape:Kàpink atàm.
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English:I went to Coffeyville.
Lenape:Kàpink nta.
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English:I am drinking coffee (with my meal)
Lenape:Kàpi ntapamuhe.
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English:Could you stay with me?
Lenape:Kàski hàch witaèmi?
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English:Could you stay with me for about two months?
Lenape:Kàski hàch witaèmi ahpami nisha kishuxunk?
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English:He can get very mad.
Lenape:Kàski kitanunksu.
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English:He can bewitch someone.
Lenape:Kàski mëtanhike.
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English:Do you want to gamble?
Lenape:Kata hàch hatike?
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English:Do you want to eat?
Lenape:Kata hàch mitsi? {DN}
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English:Do you want to bathe?
Lenape:Kata hàch tixëmwi?
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English:Do you want to go with me?
Lenape:Kata hèch wichei?
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English:Do you want to eat with me?
Lenape:Kata hèch wipumi?
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English:I want to ask you something.
Lenape:Kata kèku tuxtul.
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English:Do you want a pretty young woman?
Lenape:Katala hàch shiki skixkwe?
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English:Do you want some bread?
Lenape:Katatàm hèch ahpòn?
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English:Do you want some water?
Lenape:Katatàm hèch mpi?
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English:You want to eat pecans.
Lenape:katutàm kansèm.
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English:I am very glad.
Lenape:Kehëla nulelìntàm.
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English:I wonder what?
Lenape:Kèku èt ta?
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English:I wonder what it is?
Lenape:Kèku èt ta?
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English:It is not known what tribe they are.
Lenape:Kèku èt ta èlhakehtit.
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English:What is that?
Lenape:Kèku èt ta nàn?
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English:I wonder what that is?
Lenape:Kèku èt ta nën?
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English:What is it the Delawares call that little dog?
Lenape:Kèku èt ta wàni Lënape èluwihëlat tànktitit mwekane?
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English:What different things should we talk about?
Lenape:Kèku hàch a pili ahkënutàmuhëna?
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English:What do you want?
Lenape:Kèku hàch katatàm?
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English:What do you want?
Lenape:Kèku hàch katatàm?
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English:What do you people want?
Lenape:Kèku hàch katatàmuhëmo?
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English:What do you want to know?
Lenape:Kèku hàch kata watu?
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English:What are you doing?
Lenape:Kèku hàch këmikëntàm?
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English:What are you people doing?
Lenape:Kèku hàch këmikëntàmuhëmo?
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English:What did you hear?
Lenape:Kèku hàch kpëntàm?
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English:What are you wearing?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ktàkwi?
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English:What do you think about this way that we live?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ktëlelìntàmen yushe èlawsienk?
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English:What are your thoughts about where we live?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ktëlelìntàmën yushe èlawsienkw?
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English:What is the name for a Rose, what the White people call a Rose?
Lenape:Kèku hàch luwèntasu Rose, na Shëwanàkw luwèntànk Rose?
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English:What did your late mother really like to do?
Lenape:Kèku hàch naka kahèsa wëli mikëntàm?
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English:What am I wearing?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ntàkwi?
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English:Why did you go to Coffeyville?
Lenape:Kèku hàch wënchi Kàpink kta?
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English:What is the reason I cannot eat there at the table?
Lenape:Kèku hàch wënchi mata nkàski mitsi èhèntalipwink tali?
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English:What is this called?
Lenape:Kèku hàch yushe luwèntasu?
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English:What do you prefer to eat?
Lenape:Kèku hèch alëwi kwinkitàm?
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English:What do you prefer to eat, soup or beans?
Lenape:Kèku hèch alëwi kwinkitàm, kshitay shi malàxkwsita?
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English:What do you want to drink?
Lenape:Kèku hèch kata mëne?
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English:What do you want to know?
Lenape:Kèku hèch kata watu?
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English:What did you eat when you ate?
Lenape:Kèku hèch këmitsi ènta mitsiàn?
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English:What did you read?
Lenape:Kèku hèch ktakëntàm?
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English:What did you lose?
Lenape:Kèku hèch ktànkhìtu?
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English:What do you want to drink with your meal.
Lenape:Kèku hèch ktapamuhe?
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English:What do you call it?
Lenape:Kèku hèch ktëluwèntàmën?
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English:What do you like to eat?
Lenape:Kèku hèch kwinkitàm?
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English:What is he doing?
Lenape:Kèku hèch mikëntàm?
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English:What did you read yesterday?
Lenape:Kèku hèch ntakëntàm lòkëwe?
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English:What do you want from town?
Lenape:Kèku hèch utènink kata?
Sound Icon
English:What are they doing?
Lenape:Kèku hèch yuki mikëntamuk?
Sound Icon
English:Something will chase us.
Lenape:Kèku kwihëlutakehëna.
Sound Icon
English:What color is your dres?
Lenape:Kèku likte ktahèmpsëm?
Sound Icon
English:What color is your dress?
Lenape:Kèku likte ktahëmpsëm?
Sound Icon
English:What language does he use (speak)?
Lenape:Kèku lixsëwakàn nhakatàm?
Sound Icon
English:I hear something.
Lenape:Kèku mpëntàm.
Sound Icon
English:What in the world are you doing?
Lenape:Kèku nink lah këmikëntàm?
Sound Icon
English:I really smell something.
Lenape:Kèku ta nëmëlam.
Sound Icon
English:Why don't you know?
Lenape:Kèku wënchi mata kuwatuu?
Sound Icon
English:Listen to the locust (cicada).
Lenape:Këlìsta na pasalànke.
Sound Icon
English:The weatherman lied when he said, "It is a good day."
Lenape:Këlune na 'weatherman' ènta luwèt, "Wëli kishku."
Sound Icon
English:He made the dish for you.
Lenape:Këmanitakw në lokèns.
Sound Icon
English:Do you remember what happened yesterday?
Lenape:Këmëshatàmën kèku èlèk lòkëwe?
Sound Icon
English:Did you ever eat that which is called sapan?
Lenape:Kèmihëmichi hàch në sapan èluwètasik?
Sound Icon
English:I will give you what you want.
Lenape:Këmilël kètatàma.
Sound Icon
English:We eat at the table.
Lenape:Këmitsihëna ehèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:You take care of these baby eagles.
Lenape:Kenahkihaok yuk aihàmtëtàk.
Sound Icon
English:I must go to town.
Lenape:Kënch ta utènink a.
Sound Icon
English:Do you understand me?
Lenape:Kënënustai hèch?
Sound Icon
English:I saw you near my house.
Lenape:Kënewël kixki ènta wikia.
Sound Icon
English:The squirrel climbed quickly up the tree.
Lenape:Këntahkusihële na xanikw hitkunk.
Sound Icon
English:Jan is climbing.
Lenape:Këntahkusu na Jan.
Sound Icon
English:The birds are flying toward the north.
Lenape:Kënthuwàk nèk chulënsàk wëntahkwi luwàneyunk.
Sound Icon
English:Are you also afraid of the big winds?
Lenape:Kèpe hàch kwitàmën në xinkwi kshàxink?
Sound Icon
English:You too were created by the Creator.
Lenape:Kèpe ta kishelëmùksi.
Sound Icon
English:This is all I can do.
Lenape:Kèski ta lësia.
Sound Icon
English:If they want a war I will accompany them.
Lenape:Ketatàmihtit mahtakenk nëwitèch.
Sound Icon
English:How many rocks are there on the table?
Lenape:Kèxa hèch ahsëna xkwìchi ehèntalipwinkink?
Sound Icon
English:How many do you want?
Lenape:Kèxa hèch katatàm?
Sound Icon
English:How much money did you lose?
Lenape:Kèxa hèch moni ktànkhìtu?
Sound Icon
English:How many doors?
Lenape:Kèxa hèch skontaya?
Sound Icon
English:I want to say a few words.
Lenape:Kèxaptun nkata kèku luwe.
Sound Icon
English:They want a little.
Lenape:Kèxiti kahtatàmuk.
Sound Icon
English:That is true, he said, 'I already forgot.'
Lenape:Kichii, luwe, 'Nonin ta mèchi.'
Sound Icon
English:He really was here.
Lenape:Kìchi ta mah ahpu.
Sound Icon
English:It is true I do not have any, yesterday I ate it up.
Lenape:Kicki ku nulhatu, lòkëwe nëwèkwitàmën.
Sound Icon
English:My legs are sore.
Lenape:Kikicheyo nhikata.
Sound Icon
English:This one is our brother.
Lenape:Kimahtësëna ta nàni.
Sound Icon
English:You must have eavesdropped on me.
Lenape:Kimsìtai èt.
Sound Icon
English:They finished standing the cupboard up.
Lenape:Kìshi wënipahtuneyo nëni tèxtakàn.
Sound Icon
English:The Cherokees live in the big mountains.
Lenape:Kitahtënink wikuwàk nèk Kahtuhook.
Sound Icon
English:You are a skilled canoemaker.
Lenape:Kitai muxulhe.
Sound Icon
English:My father is sitting nearby.
Lenape:Kixki lëmatahpu nux.
Sound Icon
English:I will see you in the evening.
Lenape:Knewël ènta lòkwik.
Sound Icon
English:We should go outside.
Lenape:Kochëmink a ktahëna.
Sound Icon
English:We should go outside, it is very hot in the house.
Lenape:Kochëmink a ktahëna, sòmi kshëte wikwahëmink.
Sound Icon
English:Let us go outside.
Lenape:Kòchëmink atàm.
Sound Icon
English:We will go outside and play.
Lenape:Kòchëmink ktalìch mai papihëna.
Sound Icon
English:Can I play outside, the girl said.
Lenape:Ko hèch a kochëmink ntënta papi, na xkwechëch luwe.
Sound Icon
English:He knocked him down when he him hit.
Lenape:Kohitehoo ènta pahkàmat.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps it even smells because I sweat.
Lenape:Konaèt ili chimakòt èli hànkw nkètaptiksi.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps they would like something to drink.
Lenape:Konaèt kahtatàmuk mehëmënink.
Sound Icon
English:Maybe it will not snow.
Lenape:Konaèt ta wine.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps I will go to town.
Lenape:Konaèt utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Maybe everyone wanted to go swimming.
Lenape:Konaet wèmi awènik kahta ashëwihëleyok.
Sound Icon
English:Let me read the newspaper.
Lenape:Kona linai ntàkima na newspaper.
Sound Icon
English:Let him go, he will have to carry that on his own back (such as a bad deed).
Lenape:Konëlinaw, nihëlàchi noyuntàmën.
Sound Icon
English:He wants that rabbit.
Lenape:talao nèl chëmàmsa.
Sound Icon
English:He wants to catch him.
Lenape:ta twënao.
Sound Icon
English:He wants to catch that eagle.
Lenape:ta twënao nèl ayhàma.
Sound Icon
English:He wants to know him.
Lenape:ta wahaoo.
Sound Icon
English:Close the door.
Lenape:Kpaha në skontay.
Sound Icon
English:They are locked up so they cannot escape.
Lenape:Kpahasuwàk xu tala pulëweiyok.
Sound Icon
English:You should think about it.
Lenape:Kpënaelìntàm a.
Sound Icon
English:Do you hear me?
Lenape:Kpëntai hèch?
Sound Icon
English:Do you hear us?
Lenape:Kpëntaihëna hèch?
Sound Icon
English:Do you hear him?
Lenape:Kpëntao hàch?
Sound Icon
English:Did you hear the Shawnees singing at Whiteoak?
Lenape:Kpëntaok hàch nèk Shaonuwàk pe asuwihtit yu tali Whiteoak?
Sound Icon
English:You brought him food.
Lenape:Kpètao mehëmichink.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat hot food (hot in temperature, does not mean spicy)
Lenape:Kshëtèk mehëmichink ni nëwinkitàm.
Sound Icon
English:You are very good looking.
Lenape:Ktahi wëlësi.
Sound Icon
English:Did you bathe?
Lenape:Ktahixëmwi hèch?
Sound Icon
English:We will soon experience Autumn.
Lenape:Ktahkokënëmihëna xulëniti.
Sound Icon
English:Did you make a garden?
Lenape:Ktakihe hèch?
Sound Icon
English:Are you afraid?
Lenape:Ktalëmi hèch?
Sound Icon
English:You began to vomit.
Lenape:Ktalëmi mëlàntàm.
Sound Icon
English:You have begun to forget it.
Lenape:Ktalëmi wànin.
Sound Icon
English:Do you speak Lenape?
Lenape:Ktalënixsi hàch?
Sound Icon
English:Are you lost?
Lenape:Ktaonkël hàch?
Sound Icon
English:Are you people lost?
Lenape:Ktaonkëluhëmo hàch?
Sound Icon
English:Jan is sweating.
Lenape:Ktaptiksu na Jan.
Sound Icon
English:The man is sweating.
Lenape:Ktaptiksu na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:The man is sweating.
Lenape:Ktaptiksu na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:You should tell some wintertime stories.
Lenape:Ktathiluhe a.
Sound Icon
English:Did you tell a winter story?
Lenape:Ktathiluhe hàch?
Sound Icon
English:They told you people when someone wants peace he is a coward.
Lenape:Ktëlkëwoo ènta awèn kahtatànk wëlànkuntëwakàn shwilai.
Sound Icon
English:No one wanted to take it away.
Lenape:Ku awèn kòta chikënëmën.
Sound Icon
English:No one heard about it.
Lenape:Ku awèn pihpëntamuwën.
Sound Icon
English:Don't you like to eat it?
Lenape:Ku hèch kwinkitàmuwën?
Sound Icon
English:I was not there.
Lenape:Ku ika ntàpi.
Sound Icon
English:They do not even use a toothbrush and even so they have good teeth.
Lenape:Ku ili nhatamuiyok 'toothbrush' nahëli owëlanikeyok.
Sound Icon
English:He doesn't want to.
Lenape:Ku kahta.
Sound Icon
English:He doesn't want to.
Lenape:Ku kahta.
Sound Icon
English:We cannot pray.
Lenape:Ku kàski patamahùmëna.
Sound Icon
English:Are you glad because we did well?
Lenape:Kulelìntàm hàch èli nulaihòsihëna?
Sound Icon
English:Are you glad?
Lenape:Kulelìntàm hèch?
Sound Icon
English:You have money, let us go to town.
Lenape:Kulhatu moni, utènink atàm.
Sound Icon
English:You have some eggs and I want four.
Lenape:Kulhatu òòla òk nkatatàm newa.
Sound Icon
English:You prayed well.
Lenape:Kuli patama.
Sound Icon
English:I am not going to the store.
Lenape:Ku mèmhalamùntikaonink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I never heard that word (or saying).
Lenape:Ku mpipëntàmuwën në luweokàn.
Sound Icon
English:I did not like it when they were fighting.
Lenape:Ku nëwinkatàmuwën ènta mahtakenk.
Sound Icon
English:I do not like watermelon.
Lenape:Ku nëwinkitàmu èskitàmink.
Sound Icon
English:I do not like to eat it.
Lenape:Ku nëwinkitàmuwën
Sound Icon
English:We don't like to eat it.
Lenape:Ku nëwinkitàmuwënèn.
Sound Icon
English:I did not use a gun.
Lenape:Ku nhakatamu payaxkhikàn.
Sound Icon
English:I did not use a spear.
Lenape:Ku nhakatamu tànkamikàn.
Sound Icon
English:I never heard him myself.
Lenape:Ku ni mpipëntao,
Sound Icon
English:I never did use it.
Lenape:Ku ni nìnhakatamu.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to go there.
Lenape:Ku ni nkata ika a.
Sound Icon
English:I cannot remember it.
Lenape:Ku nkàski mëshatamuwën.
Sound Icon
English:It seems like I cannot understand them.
Lenape:Ku nkàski nënustaiyok hànkw.
Sound Icon
English:I cannot hear him.
Lenape:Ku nkàski pëntaoo.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to smoke.
Lenape:Ku nkata hupo.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to live.
Lenape:Ku nkata lehëlexe.
Sound Icon
English:I don't want to make you crazy.
Lenape:Ku nkata manihulu këpëcheonkël.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to work.
Lenape:Ku nkata mikëmòsi.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to leave him.
Lenape:Ku nkata nkala.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to leave my younger brother.
Lenape:Ku nkata nkala naxisëmës.
Sound Icon
English:We do not want anything unclean in that place.
Lenape:Ku nkatatamuwën kèku niskèk në ta tali.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to go to town.
Lenape:Ku nkata utènink a.
Sound Icon
English:I am not a skilled dancer.
Lenape:Ku ntahi hitawka.
Sound Icon
English:I don't have any food, that is why I am going to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Ku nulhatu mehëmichink nal në wënchi Kamink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I don't have any food, that is why I am going to town.
Lenape:Ku nulhatu mehëmichink nal në wënchi utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I do not hear him well.
Lenape:Ku nuli pëntaoo.
Sound Icon
English:I do not know where it came from.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta èt wënchihëlèk.
Sound Icon
English:I do not know where I went.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta eyaa.
Sound Icon
English:I don't know where I went.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta eyaa.
Sound Icon
English:I do not know where he went.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta eyat.
Sound Icon
English:I don't know where he went.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta eyat.
Sound Icon
English:I don't know where you went.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta ki eyaan
Sound Icon
English:I do not know where you went.
Lenape:Ku nuwatuwën tëta ki eyaan.
Sound Icon
English:They never heard it because of what was said, breakfast, dinner, supper, nothing but eating together.
Lenape:Ku pihpëntàmënuwiyo èli luwèntasik "breakfast, dinner, supper," mata shùkw mitsahtin.
Sound Icon
English:It is not blue.
Lenape:Ku ta aoneiyo.
Sound Icon
English:No one else ever fed him.
Lenape:Ku ta awèn pili tòxamaiyo.
Sound Icon
English:Jim is not going to Copan (Oklahoma).
Lenape:Ku ta na Jim Copanink e.
Sound Icon
English:Not me!
Lenape:Ku ta ni!
Sound Icon
English:I am not an old man, I am an elderly man.
Lenape:Ku ta ni hilusës, kìkuwìnu.
Sound Icon
English:We are not Delawares.
Lenape:Ku ta niluna Lënapeyok.
Sound Icon
English:I do not understand the Shawnee when he says something.
Lenape:Ku ta ni mpëntao wa Shawnu ènta kèku luwèt.
Sound Icon
English:I never ate the thing called a xoy.
Lenape:Ku ta ni nëmimichi në kèku xoy.
Sound Icon
English:I do not want to return.
Lenape:Ku ta ni nkata kwëtki.
Sound Icon
English:They cannot escape.
Lenape:Ku ta pulëweiyok.
Sound Icon
English:I am not going to town, I will go elsewhere.
Lenape:Ku utenink nta, pali xu nta.
Sound Icon
English:I am not going to town, I am going elsewhere.
Lenape:Ku utènink nta, pali xu nta.
Sound Icon
English:He does not know where he is.
Lenape:Ku uwatuwën tëta èpit.
Sound Icon
English:Do you understand it when a person says, Ahkënsi (to read)?
Lenape:Kuwatun hèch na ènta awèn luwèt, Ahkënsi?
Sound Icon
English:I wish I could see the ocean.
Lenape:Kwëlaha nkàski nemën kitahikàn.
Sound Icon
English:I wish I was rich.
Lenape:Kwëlaha ntahopein.
Sound Icon
English:I really wish you people would help me.
Lenape:Kwëlaha ta kwichëmihëmo.
Sound Icon
English:I wish I had a cow so he could graze there.
Lenape:Kwëlaha wèhshùmwis nulhala na hànk ntiasin në ta tali..
Sound Icon
English:I hope you will say good things when you talk about me.
Lenape:Kwëlaha wëli kèku ktëluwe enta ahkënimia.
Sound Icon
English:We were gone a long time and went a long way.
Lenape:Kwënakehëna òhëlëmi ntahëna.
Sound Icon
English:Swallow the water.
Lenape:Kwënta në mpi.
Sound Icon
English:The bow is long.
Lenape:Kwënusu na hatapi.
Sound Icon
English:They washed their ears.
Lenape:Kwëshixtuneyo whitaokëwoo.
Sound Icon
English:One hundred dollars.
Lenape:Kwëtapxki palëpaya.
Sound Icon
English:Six cats.
Lenape:Kwëtash pushisàk.
Sound Icon
English:One hot day my mother told me, "Come here."
Lenape:Kwëti kshëlànte nkahès ntëlùkw, "Wëntaxa."
Sound Icon
English:One winter the big wolf said, 'I am already cold.'
Lenape:Kwëti luwàn na xinkwtëme luwè, 'Mèchi ta ni ntahkochi.'
Sound Icon
English:one dollar
Lenape:kwëti ntalas
Sound Icon
English:The little one wants more.
Lenape:Kwiakwi kahtatantu.
Sound Icon
English:I still love you.
Lenape:Kwiakwi ktaholël.
Sound Icon
English:You like to have dolls.
Lenape:Kwinki òhtasi.
Sound Icon
English:Are you bashful?
Lenape:Kwitayasi hèch?
Sound Icon
English:Jim is bashful.
Lenape:Kwitayasu wa Jim.
Sound Icon
English:It is a taboo to a woman who is expecting a baby.
Lenape:Kwitëlao hunt na xkwe ènta kahta wëlahëlat mimëntëta.
Sound Icon
English:Taste the meat.
Lenape:Kwtànta në wiyus.
Sound Icon
English:Let's eat for a while.
Lenape:Lahapa mitsitamuk.
Sound Icon
English:I swam to the middle of the lake.
Lenape:Lai ntashëwìl mënëpèkunk.
Sound Icon
English:It is beginning to rain again, I hear it.
Lenape:Làpi alëmi sukëlan, mpëntàmën.
Sound Icon
English:There is fighting again.
Lenape:Làpi mahtakèn.
Sound Icon
English:Put it on the chair. (refers to something considered animate)
Lenape:Lehëlëmatahpinkink hal.
Sound Icon
English:We are sitting in some chairs.
Lenape:Lehëlëmatahpinkink lëmatahpihëna.
Sound Icon
English:He put the books on the chair.
Lenape:Lehëlëmatahpinkink tòhalao nèl lekhikana.
Sound Icon
English:Sit down, warm yourself by the fire.
Lenape:Lëmatahpi, aosi.
Sound Icon
English:Sit down and eat little one.
Lenape:Lëmatahpi òk mitsiti.
Sound Icon
English:I am here in the land of the Lenape.
Lenape:Lënapehòkink ntàpi.
Sound Icon
English:I am here in the land of the Lenape.
Lenape:Lënapehòkink ntàpi.
Sound Icon
English:I go among the Delawares.
Lenape:Lënapeike nta.
Sound Icon
English:I will go among the Delawares.
Lenape:Lënapeike xu nta.
Sound Icon
English:I am a Delaware.
Lenape:Lënape ta ni.
Sound Icon
English:This one is a Lenape, not French.
Lenape:Lënape wàn, ku ta Pëlanshëman.
Sound Icon
English:The Delawares call the telephone sëkahsën.
Lenape:Lënapeyok tëluwèntamëneyo në telephone sëkahsën.
Sound Icon
English:If I had some moccasins I would go to town.
Lenape:Lënhàksënëmane utènink a nta.
Sound Icon
English:I am just resting.
Lenape:Lëni shëk ntayalaximwi.
Sound Icon
English:They just want to trade.
Lenape:Lëni shùk kahta ashùntèsuwàk
Sound Icon
English:At first it seemed like he had just come for a visit.
Lenape:Linakòt hìtami lëni kiike.
Sound Icon
English:She looks pregnant. (lit.- 'she looks like she will have more relatives')
Lenape:Linakwsu xu ànchi lànkuntàm.
Sound Icon
English:Yesterday I went to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mah Kamink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Yesterday I went to Bartlesville and I saw many Delawares.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mah Kamink nta, xaheli Lënapeyok neyo.
Sound Icon
English:Yesterday I went to town.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mah utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:He died yesterday.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mata ahpii.
Sound Icon
English:Long ago when the Delawares lived in the east.
Lenape:Lòmëwe ènta yuki Lënapeyunkahke wikhatihtit wehènchiopànk.
Sound Icon
English:Long ago when I lived in Dewey I sewed.
Lenape:Lòmwe ènta wikiane Dewey-ink nkëlixike.
Sound Icon
English:A long time ago they said sëkahsën when they talked about the telephone.
Lenape:Lòmwe hànkw tëluwèneyo sëkahsën ènta ahkënutëmihtit në telephone.
Sound Icon
English:Long ago when the world was new.
Lenape:Lòmwe mah ènta wëskhakamike.
Sound Icon
English:I heard a long time ago that these dogs can speak Delaware.
Lenape:Lòmwe nochi mpihpëntàmen yuki mwekaneyok kàski alënixsuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:He said, 'Certainly! Not long ago I killed a deer.'
Lenape:Luwe, 'Ahìkta! Chinke nhila ahtuho.'
Sound Icon
English:The man is supposed to have said, 'I am very handsome!'
Lenape:Luwe hùnt na lënu, 'Nulsi ta!'
Sound Icon
English:It is said that if a dog eats grass he is sick.
Lenape:Luwe hùnt palsu na mwekane ènta mitsit skiko.
Sound Icon
English:The woman said, "I almost got pregnant."
Lenape:Luwe na xkwe, "Nkati ànchi lànkuntàm."
Sound Icon
English:He said, 'My friend, I am beginning to get old.'
Lenape:Luwe, 'Nchu, mèchi ntalëmi khikay.'
Sound Icon
English:It is said a person will live a long life if he gives him something.
Lenape:Luwèn hùnt kwënawsu ènta awèn milate kèku.
Sound Icon
English:That place is named Seton Hall University.
Lenape:Luwèntasu në ta tali Seton Hall University.
Sound Icon
English:He said, 'I bathed last night.'
Lenape:Luwe, 'Ntixëmwi ta welakwike.'
Sound Icon
English:They said there are no pecans here.
Lenape:Luweyok ku ta kansèm yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:They said they could not find him.
Lenape:Luweyok ku ta kàski màxkao.
Sound Icon
English:The white people long ago said we will live so long and finally we will lose everything.
Lenape:Luweyok lòmëwe yuki shëwanahkok xantki pètawsinèn tìlìch ànkhitunèn wèmi kèku.
Sound Icon
English:Let's go home, I am hungry.
Lenape:Machitàm, nkatupwi.
Sound Icon
English:There was a fight here.
Lenape:Mahtakèn yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:I went to a dance.
Lenape:Mahwink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I went to a dance last night.
Lenape:Mahwink nta welakwike.
Sound Icon
English:There was a dance here.
Lenape:Mahwink yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:Go sit down.
Lenape:Mai lëmatahpi.
Sound Icon
English:Let's go outside and play.
Lenape:Mai papitàm kòchëmink.
Sound Icon
English:He made some sharpened little sticks.
Lenape:Manitu kinhasik hìtkwëtëta.
Sound Icon
English:He made an island.
Lenape:Manitu mënatay.
Sound Icon
English:He would be angry if I blamed him.
Lenape:Manunksu a ntakwimàke.
Sound Icon
English:The old woman was mad because the old man winked at her.
Lenape:Manunksu na xawshisës èli na hilusës pòkinkwelahtaot.
Sound Icon
English:They are not at this council.
Lenape:Mata ahpiyok yushe achimulsin.
Sound Icon
English:No one is permitted to drink soup.
Lenape:Mata awèn lelëma tìlìch mënèn kshitay.
Sound Icon
English:We heard no one.
Lenape:Mata awèn mpëntawiwëna.
Sound Icon
English:One should not go to sleep with a wet head.
Lenape:Matàch awèn kawi ènta skàpantpat.
Sound Icon
English:A person should not brag about himself.
Lenape:Matàch awèn kshàkënima hòkaya.
Sound Icon
English:He never could see again.
Lenape:Mata chich nema.
Sound Icon
English:He could never again see.
Lenape:Mata chich nema.
Sound Icon
English:I don't like her anymore.
Lenape:Mata chich nëwinkala.
Sound Icon
English:I don't see him anymore.
Lenape:Mata chich neyo.
Sound Icon
English:I don't love her anymore.
Lenape:Mata chich ntaholaa.
Sound Icon
English:He will never again eat too much.
Lenape:Mata chich usamëluli.
Sound Icon
English:I will not say anything to him.
Lenape:Matàch kèku ntëla.
English:I won't say anything to him
Lenape:Matàch kèku ntëla.
Sound Icon
English:I will not say anything.
Lenape:Matàch kèku ntëluwe.
Sound Icon
English:We will not eat.
Lenape:Matàch nëmitsihëmëna.
Sound Icon
English:I will not marry her.
Lenape:Matàch nushilëmao.
Sound Icon
English:A person should not whistle when he is eating.
Lenape:Matàch ta awèn chipuwe ènta mitsit.
Sound Icon
English:No one should eat chicken soup.
Lenape:Matàch ta awèn michii tipasii kshitay.
Sound Icon
English:A person should not cut his nails. [This is a portion of a longer correction.]
Lenape:Matàch ta awèn tëmikahshehwi.
Sound Icon
English:A person should not marry a White person.
Lenape:Matàch ta awèn wicheo Shëwanàkw.
Sound Icon
English:If we do not feed them they will finally starve.
Lenape:Matàch tàxamawënanàk xantki xu shawlamuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:It will never end.
Lenape:Mata hashi wikwèk.
Sound Icon
English:No one could even say anything.
Lenape:Mata ili awèn kèku luwe.
Sound Icon
English:That man did not even sweat.
Lenape:Mata ili ktaptiksii na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:The man didn't even get sweaty when he chopped wood.
Lenape:Mata ili ktaptiksi na lënu ènta kiskhakwèt.
Sound Icon
English:He does not want less.
Lenape:Mata kahtatàmu kèxiti.
Sound Icon
English:If I cannot find some coffee I'll kill him.
Lenape:Mata kàpi màxkamane nhila.
Sound Icon
English:No one could eat.
Lenape:Mata kàski awèn mitsii.
Sound Icon
English:I cannot remember anything.
Lenape:Mata kàski kèku nëmëshatàmuu.
Sound Icon
English:He cannot see.
Lenape:Mata kàski nema.
Sound Icon
English:Nothing will happen to them.
Lenape:Mata kèku mwëshikakwëneyo.
Sound Icon
English:He doesn't know anything.
Lenape:Mata kèku watu.
Sound Icon
English:If you cannot see him how do you know he is Jim?
Lenape:Mata kneiyo tash kwënchi nal na Jim?
Sound Icon
English:Nothing is happening.
Lenape:Mata lè.
Sound Icon
English:If you cannot do that.
Lenape:Mata në kàski lësiàne.
Sound Icon
English:That is not so. - That is not true.
Lenape:Mata në le.
Sound Icon
English:I would tell you if it was not so.
Lenape:Mata në lèke ktëlën a.
Sound Icon
English:I have not eaten rabbit before.
Lenape:Mata nëmìmhò chëmamës.
Sound Icon
English:He never reads the same book twice.
Lenape:Mata nishën tòkimao nèl lekhikàna.
Sound Icon
English:I never told a winter story.
Lenape:Mata ntiathiluhe.
Sound Icon
English:I do not have a quarter, but I do have a dollar.
Lenape:Mata nulhatuu kwëti nahënëm, shëk nulhatu kwëti palëpay.
Sound Icon
English:I really do not have it.
Lenape:Mata ta nulhatu.
Sound Icon
English:He does not have a good mind; He does not have good sense.
Lenape:Mata watàmu.
Sound Icon
English:They don't have a name for coconut.
Lenape:Mata wëlatuwiyok coconut.
Sound Icon
English:You certainly can speak good Lenape already.
Lenape:Mayay ta ki kàski wëli alënixsi mèchi.
Sound Icon
English:He really told the truth.
Lenape:Mayay ta wëlamëwe.
Sound Icon
English:Let's go eat.
Lenape:May mitsitàm.
Sound Icon
English:The doll is already dressed.
Lenape:Mèchi ahkona na òhtas.
Sound Icon
English:You must have already lost your mind!
Lenape:Mèchi èt ta ktalawatàm!
Sound Icon
English:Have you people finished cleaning that house?
Lenape:Mèchi hàch kìshi kpilitamëneyo nëni wikëwam?
Sound Icon
English:There is an eclipse now.
Lenape:Mèchi kwtai kishux.
Sound Icon
English:He is already sitting.
Lenape:Mèchi lëmatahpu. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:He is going to go sit down.
Lenape:Mèchi may lëmatahpu. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I am beginning to get dried off.
Lenape:Mèchi ntalëmi penkwsi. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I am leaving now.
Lenape:Mèchi ntalëmska.
Sound Icon
English:Today it is already Autumn.
Lenape:Mèchi tahkokën yukwe ènta kishkwik.
Sound Icon
English:I am already cold and hungry.
Lenape:Mèchi ta ni ntahkochi òk nkatupwi.
Sound Icon
English:I already went to town.
Lenape:Mèchi utènink nta. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:Now on this day the time has come.
Lenape:Mèchi yukwe ènta kishkwik ika mahtexën.
Sound Icon
English:I hear him now.
Lenape:Mèchi yukwe mpëntao.
Sound Icon
English:He does his best to escape.
Lenape:Mëchke kahta pulëwe.
Sound Icon
English:The food is on the table.
Lenape:Mehëmichink èhèntalipwinkink hate.
Sound Icon
English:He barked when he saw him. (refers to a wolf or dog)
Lenape:Mëkike ènta neyot.
Sound Icon
English:He barked when he looked at him. (refers to a wolf or dog)
Lenape:Mëkike ènta pënaot.
Sound Icon
English:He barked when he saw him.
Lenape:Mëkike ènta pënaote.
Sound Icon
English:He barks and sometimes he howls.
Lenape:Mëkike tamse wehul.
Sound Icon
English:I am going to the store because I need bread.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink nta èli ahpòn nakatàm.
Sound Icon
English:I put the money in the purse.
Lenape:Mënutèsink ntatun në moni.
Sound Icon
English:Remember that many of our friends died last winter.
Lenape:Mëshatàmën xaheli kitisënàk ànkëluk luwàne.
Sound Icon
English:They do various things.
Lenape:Mësi kèku mikëntàmuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:He walked when he went to town.
Lenape:Mhituxwe ènta utènink at.
Sound Icon
English:Let's eat dumplings.
Lenape:Michitàm pàkawënikàna.
Sound Icon
English:Let's eat frybreads.
Lenape:Michitàm salàpòna.
Sound Icon
English:He uses a (quill) pen when he writes.
Lenape:Mikwën nhakala ènta lekhikèt.
Sound Icon
English:It was given to me long ago when I was a young woman.
Lenape:Milkèn ni lòmëwe ènta skixkweiane.
Sound Icon
English:She is expecting a child.
Lenape:Mimënsa kahta wëlahële.
Sound Icon
English:She is expecting a baby.
Lenape:Mimënsa kahta wëlahële. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:Let's eat some pork and a frybread.
Lenape:Mitsitàm kwëshkwësheyok òk salàpòn.
Sound Icon
English:I used a hammer.
Lenape:Mòkël nhakatàm.
Sound Icon
English:He made the dish for him.
Lenape:Mònitaoo në lokèns.
Sound Icon
English:I close the door.
Lenape:Mpahëmën në skontay.
Sound Icon
English:I hit the little one (animate)
Lenape:Mpàkama na tànktitit.
English:I hit the little person.
Lenape:Mpàkama na tànktitit awèn.
Sound Icon
English:I talk with him on the telephone.
Lenape:Mpàkàntamaon sëkahsën. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I talk on the telephone.
Lenape:Mpàkàntàm sëkahsën. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I will knock him in the head when I see him.
Lenape:Mpapelpiteho ènta neyok.
Sound Icon
English:I broke it in half, I used a hammer.
Lenape:Mpasitehëmën, mòkël nhakatàm.
Sound Icon
English:I am talking on the tape recorder today.
Lenape:Mpëmëtunhe sëkahsënink tali yukwe ènta kishkwik.
Sound Icon
English:I was looking at the bird when he suddenly flew away.
Lenape:Mpënao na chulëns enta kënthwihëlat.
Sound Icon
English:I am gong to the bank.
Lenape:Mpen'kink nta. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I heard that he had died,
Lenape:Mpëntamëm tìli ànkëlën.
Sound Icon
English:I heard the (wintertime) story and I believe it.
Lenape:Mpëntàmën në athiluhakàn, nulamhìtàmën.
Sound Icon
English:I hear the creek flowing.
Lenape:Mpëntàmën në sipu pèmitàn.
Sound Icon
English:I heard insane laughter when they laughed.
Lenape:Mpëntàm këkpëchei këlëksahtin.
Sound Icon
English:I hear something.
Lenape:Mpëntàm kèku.
Sound Icon
English:I heard that it might be a deep snow.
Lenape:Mpëntàm konaèt mëxate.
Sound Icon
English:I hear a bird.
Lenape:Mpëntao chulëns.
Sound Icon
English:I hear a bird singing.
Lenape:Mpëntao chulëns pe asuwit.
Sound Icon
English:I hear that person.
Lenape:Mpëntao na awèn. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I heard Bill Shawnee when he sang.
Lenape:Mpëntao na Bill Shawnee ènta asuwit.
Sound Icon
English:I heard Doug when he sang.
Lenape:Mpëntao na Doug ènta asuwit.
Sound Icon
English:I brought him some food.
Lenape:Mpètao mehëmichink.
Sound Icon
English:I brought the basket.
Lenape:Mpètun në tànkhakàn.
Sound Icon
English:A whale swam where it was deep.
Lenape:Mpiàxkw ashëwìl ènta xitkwèk.
Sound Icon
English:I heard it long ago.
Lenape:Mpihpëntamën lòmëwe.
Sound Icon
English:I heard it long ago when I was a young woman.
Lenape:Mpihpëntamën lòmëwe ènta uskixkweiane.
Sound Icon
English:I want to drink water.
Lenape:Mpi nkata mëne. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:We will eat medicine together when it gets cool weather.
Lenape:Mpisun michhatihëna ènta thapànke,
Sound Icon
English:He uses medicine.
Lenape:Mpisun nhakatàm.
Sound Icon
English:I took medicine
Lenape:Mpisun nkwëntàmën. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I bit myself by accident and I disliked doing it.
Lenape:Mpitàbtama nhàkai, nshinki në lësin.
Sound Icon
English:I bit myself by accident, I hate doing that,
Lenape:Mpitàntama nhakai, nshinki në lìsin.
Sound Icon
English:I bit myself by accident, I hate doing that,
Lenape:Mpitàntama nhakai, nshinki në lìsin.
Sound Icon
English:I accidentally bit my tongue.
Lenape:Mpitàntàmën nilanu.
Sound Icon
English:I went to a doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekaneikaonink nta.
Sound Icon
English:The running man escaped.
Lenape:Na alëmhatahkixin lënu pulëwe.
Sound Icon
English:The apple is redder than the strawberry.
Lenape:Na aplëlìsh alëwi màxksu nawènahta në tehim.
Sound Icon
English:That strong horse is eating corn.
Lenape:Na chitanësit nehënaonkès michu xàskwim.
Sound Icon
English:The bird is sitting on the nest.
Lenape:Na chulëns lëmatahpu òhshixaink.
Sound Icon
English:The bird occasionally eats peas.
Lenape:Na chulëns mihëmichu tùkòlaxksita.
Sound Icon
English:The bird flew over the roof.
Lenape:Na chulëns xkwitake kënthu.
Sound Icon
English:You will stay here.
Lenape:Nàch yu ktàpi.
Sound Icon
English:I will stay here until you arrive.
Lenape:Nàch yu ntàpi xu kènch paane.
Sound Icon
English:David hears Lucy.
Lenape:Na David pwëntao nèl Lucya.
Sound Icon
English:Then when it has gotten extremely hot.
Lenape:Na ènta kìshi këkhichi kshëtèk.
Sound Icon
English:I simply won't go back.
Lenape:Nahëli a mata nkwëtki.
Sound Icon
English:I go to Coon Creek
Lenape:Nahënëmwi Sipunk nta.
Sound Icon
English:Some wild potatoes grew downstream.
Lenape:Nahi ènta sakihtit tekënei hopënisàk.
Sound Icon
English:I go downriver.
Lenape:Nahi nta.
Sound Icon
English:Stop, I want to tell you something.
Lenape:Nahkihëla, nkata kèku lël.
Sound Icon
English:They stopped there.
Lenape:Nahkihëleyok tali.
Sound Icon
English:Jim thinks he will be sweaty when he chops wood.
Lenape:Na Jim litehe xu ktaptiksu ènta kiskhakwèt.
Sound Icon
English:That one-drop Quapaw made me mad.
Lenape:Na kwëti pànkpèk Okahpa ntahihùkw.
Sound Icon
English:I go upstream.
Lenape:Nalahi nta.
Sound Icon
English:The man is meaner than the woman.
Lenape:Na lënu alëwi mahtapeyu nawènahta na xkwe.
Sound Icon
English:That man is strong.
Lenape:Na lënu chitanësu.
Sound Icon
English:The man who follows another man because he is afraid of ridicule.
Lenape:Na lënu ènta naolat pili lënuwa èli kwitànk pawchètëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:The man did not sleep very long.
Lenape:Na lënu mata kwëni kawi.
Sound Icon
English:The man did not feed hi pet.
Lenape:Na lënu mata tòxamao nèl tòlëmunsa.
Sound Icon
English:The man did not feed his dog.
Lenape:Na lënu mata tòxmao nèl mwekaneyëma.
Sound Icon
English:The man carried the saddle on his back.
Lenape:Na lënu noyuntàm në ehapahpink.
Sound Icon
English:The man shot at the fence post.
Lenape:Na lënu payaxkhoo nèl pòsta.
Sound Icon
English:The man slept just a short time.
Lenape:Na lënu tàkiti kawi.
Sound Icon
English:The man told his mother I might go to town.
Lenape:Na lënu tëlao kohèsa konaèt utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:The man likes money.
Lenape:Na lënu winkatàm moni.
Sound Icon
English:That is all that I can recall at this time.
Lenape:Nal në shëkw nkàski mëshatàmën yukwe.
Sound Icon
English:That is where he began to grow up.
Lenape:Nal në tënta alëmikin.
Sound Icon
English:That is the reason why they still use it.
Lenape:Nal në wënchi yukwe mèchi nhakatàmëneyo.
Sound Icon
English:This is neverending.
Lenape:Nal në yuni mata wikwèk.
Sound Icon
English:That is all Jim talks when we talk on the telephone.
Lenape:Nal wa shùkw Jim ènta hànkw alënixsienkw sëkahsënink.
Sound Icon
English:The child sucked on his thumb.
Lenape:Na mimëns sipàntàmën kitalëncha.
Sound Icon
English:The baby wants to sleep.
Lenape:Na mimëntët kahta kawi.
Sound Icon
English:The dog does not like to eat sapan (corn gruel).
Lenape:Na mwekane ku winkatàmu sapan.
Sound Icon
English:The dog did not hear the bird when he sang.
Lenape:Na mwekane mata pwëntao nèl chulënsa ènta asuwit.
Sound Icon
English:That dog bit me.
Lenape:Na mwekane ntahëmùkw.
Sound Icon
English:The dog heard the hoe when it fell over.
Lenape:Na mwekane pwëntàmën në kwipëlënay ènta amwihëlèk.
Sound Icon
English:The dog heard the bird when he sang.
Lenape:Na mwekane pwëntaoo nèl chulënsa ènta asuwit.
Sound Icon
English:The dog is lying under the table.
Lenape:Na mwekane shenkixin èkwi èhèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:The puppy plays with the kitten.
Lenape:Na mwekanetët pòpihao nèl pushitëta.
Sound Icon
English:The puppy is playing with the kitten.
Lenape:Na mwekanetët pòpihao nèl pushitëta.
Sound Icon
English:The dog likes to eat sapan.
Lenape:Na mwekane winkitàm sapan
Sound Icon
English:There is where I will go.
Lenape:Na në xu ntan.
Sound Icon
English:Then I told him, 'Okay! Let's ask him.'
Lenape:Na ntëkwën, 'Nëpe! Ntutëmawtàm.'
Sound Icon
English:Then I told them, 'Wait for me a little while.'
Lenape:Na ntëlaneyo, 'Pèhi takiti.'
Sound Icon
English:I told these children that I am like Wehixamukes, a person must speak correctly to me.
Lenape:Na ntëlaok yuki mimënsàk wëli ta ni alàshi Wehixamukes, kënch ta mayay awèn keko lite.
Sound Icon
English:Then we told him, 'Okay, all right, we are glad.'
Lenape:Na ntëlawëna, 'Yuh nal ta nën, nulelìntàmuhëna.'
Sound Icon
English:Then I told him, 'Okay, let's ask him.'
Lenape:Na ntëlkwën, 'Nëpe, ntutëmawtam.'
Sound Icon
English:He will follow me wherever I go or himself be a coward.
Lenape:Naolùkw tëta yu ta eyaa shìtako nèkane shwilait.
Sound Icon
English:White-Wing said, 'Okay, let's smoke!'
Lenape:Na Opilunkòn luwe, 'Nëpèhta hupotàm!'
Sound Icon
English:The boy wants an apple.
Lenape:Na pilaecëch kahtale apëlësha.
Sound Icon
English:The boy wants some pie.
Lenape:Na pilaechëch kahtatàm pai.
Sound Icon
English:The boy wants to eat some pie.
Lenape:Na pilaechëch kahtutàm pai.
Sound Icon
English:The boy wanted to help the girl.
Lenape:Na pilaechëch kòta wichëmao nèl xkwechëcha.
Sound Icon
English:The mouse bit a piece out of my ear.
Lenape:Na pukwès kohshàntàmën nhitaok.
Sound Icon
English:The mouse bit me on my ear.
Lenape:Na pukwès ntahëmùkw nhitaokink.
Sound Icon
English:The cat carries the kitten in her mouth.
Lenape:Na pushis tëntamao nèl pushitëta.
Sound Icon
English:The white man was just sitting there.
Lenape:Na shëwanàkw wëli lëmatahpu.
Sound Icon
English:The short man went to town.
Lenape:Na tàkòkwsit lënu utènink è.
Sound Icon
English:Get me some water.
Lenape:Natamai mpi.
Sound Icon
English:The small man knows the large man.
Lenape:Na tànktitit lënu uwahao nèl xinkwi lënuwa.
Sound Icon
English:That little dog came.
Lenape:Na tànktitit mwekane pe.
Sound Icon
English:Go get the little dishes.
Lenape:Nati nèl lokèntëta.
Sound Icon
English:Go get the little white dishes.
Lenape:Nati nèl opënchutëta.
Sound Icon
English:Then when Jim called me he said it was thundering and raining hard.
Lenape:Na wa Jim ènta ahtumit luwe pèthakhòn òk kshilan.
Sound Icon
English:Then I told Jim on the telephone that there was repeatedly lightning and thunder here last night.
Lenape:Na wa Jim ntëla ènta sëkahsënink sasapëlehële mah òk pèpèthakhòn yu tali welakwike.
Sound Icon
English:Then we all left.
Lenape:Na wèmi ntalëmskanèn.
Sound Icon
English:They want three (of something).
Lenape:Naxa kahtatamuk.
Sound Icon
English:Three turtles.
Lenape:Naxa tahkoxàk.
Sound Icon
English:Three turtles and one snake.
Lenape:Naxa tahkoxàk òk kwëti xkuk.
Sound Icon
English:The girl is prettier than the woman.
Lenape:Na xkwechëch alëwi wëlësu nawènahta na xkwe.
Sound Icon
English:That girl is bigger than the others.
Lenape:Na xkwechëch alëwi xinkwi nawènahta nèk takokik.
Sound Icon
English:The girl placed the turkey on the table.
Lenape:Na xkwechëch tòhëlao nèl chikënëma èhèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:The woman carried the baby in her arms.
Lenape:Na xkwe kwënao nèl mimëntëta.
Sound Icon
English:The woman made soup.
Lenape:Na xkwe manitu kshitay.
Sound Icon
English:The woman made the baby sickly (by her bad actions)
Lenape:Na xkwe mikòlahe mimëntëta.
Sound Icon
English:The woman felt sorry for the kitten.
Lenape:Na xkwe wshielëmao nèl pushitëta.
Sound Icon
English:Then when I finish eating I have to get ready to go to town.
Lenape:Na xu kìshi mitsiane ntalëmi wènchahki èli nkata utènink a.
Sound Icon
English:I made a mistake when I sewed.
Lenape:Nchanitun ènta këlixea.
Sound Icon
English:I left Oklahoma, I am going to New York.
Lenape:Nëkatàmën Oklahoma, New York nta.
Sound Icon
English:The birds started to sing when it got to be daylight.
Lenape:Nèk chulënsàk hànkw alëmi asuwàk ènta òxeèk.
Sound Icon
English:The trees are beginning to bloom.
Lenape:Nèki hìtkuk alëmi òtaeyuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:Those Delawares did not know it.
Lenape:Nèk Lënapeyok ta ku watuneyok,
Sound Icon
English:Those three were wanted.
Lenape:Nèk naxa kahtalsuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:Those old women were pleased.
Lenape:Nèk xawshisësàk wëlelìntàmuk.
Sound Icon
English:The leaves are beginning to be red and yellow because it is already Autumn.
Lenape:Nèl këmpahko alëmi màxkeyo òk wisaeyo èli mèchi tahkokën.
Sound Icon
English:He made the dish for me.
Lenape:Nëmanitakw në lokèns.
Sound Icon
English:I made two baskets.
Lenape:Nëmanituna nisha tànkhakàna.
Sound Icon
English:I am mad at him because he lied.
Lenape:Nëmanunksitao èli këlune.
Sound Icon
English:I go to dig them up.
Lenape:Nëmay ktahòòk
Sound Icon
English:I vomited blood.
Lenape:Nëmëlàntàm mhùkw.
Sound Icon
English:I smell this flower.
Lenape:Nëmëlao wa òtaès.
Sound Icon
English:I can see the forest.
Lenape:Nemën ènta shinkèk.
Sound Icon
English:I will drink it here.
Lenape:Nëmënèn yushe tali.
Sound Icon
English:I sat on the floor near the table.
Lenape:Nëmëshake kixki ehèntalipwink.
Sound Icon
English:I should have remembered it.
Lenape:Nëmëshatàmën a.
Sound Icon
English:I should have thought of it.
Lenape:Nëmëshatàmën a mah.
Sound Icon
English:I remember an old story.
Lenape:nëmëshatàm xuwi achimëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:I gave him a knife for his birthday.
Lenape:Nëmila kshikàn ènta kahtënamit.
Sound Icon
English:I gave him my knife for his birthday.
Lenape:Nëmila mpàxkshikànëm ènta kahtënamit.
Sound Icon
English:I saw the ocean when I went to the east.
Lenape:Nem kitahikàn ènta ika a wehènchiopànk.
Sound Icon
English:Okay, let's smoke!
Lenape:Nëpèhta hupotàm!
Sound Icon
English:Okay, my friend, let's go hunting.
Lenape:Nëpèhta, nchu, alaitàm.
Sound Icon
English:Me neither!
Lenape:Nèpe ta ku!
Sound Icon
English:I too was created by the Creator.
Lenape:Nèpe ta nkishelëmùksi.
Sound Icon
English:The coat cost three dollars.
Lenape:Në shakhùkwiàn naxa ntalasa lawtu.
Sound Icon
English:That other rock looks different.
Lenape:takok ahsën pili linakòt.
Sound Icon
English:I ate it all up yesterday.
Lenape:Nëwèkwitàmën lòkëwe.
Sound Icon
English:I helped when they pounded corn.
Lenape:Nëwichinke ènta kohokhatink.
Sound Icon
English:I helped when they all ground corn.
Lenape:Nëwichinke ènta kohòkhatink.
Sound Icon
English:My nose is sore.
Lenape:Nëwinamàntàmën nhikiyon.
Sound Icon
English:I like her but I seldom see her.
Lenape:Nëwinkala shëk mata nineyo chuxkwe.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat it when it is fried.
Lenape:Nëwinkama ni nàn ènta salàsasik.
Sound Icon
English:I would like to teach him some songs.
Lenape:Nëwinki a wëntamao asuwakàna.
Sound Icon
English:I like the taste of that bread.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàmën në ahpon.
Sound Icon
English:I like the taste of this bread.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàmën yu ahpòn.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat pork.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm kwëshkwësheyok.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat that meat.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm në wiyus.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat eggs.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm òòla.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat pizza.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm pitsa.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat frybread.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm salàpòn.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat beef.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm wèhshùmwisi wiyus.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat meat.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm wiyus.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat liver.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàm xkwën.
Sound Icon
English:I like this saying (or word).
Lenape:Nëwinksìtàmën yu luweokàn.
Sound Icon
English:I like to hear Nora when she talks Lenape.
Lenape:Nëwinksìtaw hànkw wa Nora ènta alënixsit.
Sound Icon
English:We ate with him when it was noon.
Lenape:Nëwipumawëna ènta paxàkwèk.
Sound Icon
English:My husband went to work today.
Lenape:Nëwitaemàk may mikëmòsu yukwe ènta kishkwik.
Sound Icon
English:I will go along because I do not think anything of my life.
Lenape:Nëwitèch èli mata kèku ntëlelìntàmuwën në lehëlexeokàn.
Sound Icon
English:I will go along as I do not dislike doing anything.
Lenape:Nëwitèch mata ntihashi shinki lësin kèku.
Sound Icon
English:I danced with Mike when he did the Bean Dance.
Lenape:Nëwitkèma na Mike ènta malàxkwsitkan.
Sound Icon
English:There were four of them when they danced.
Lenape:Neyëwàk ènta këtkahtit.
Sound Icon
English:We saw him when he was butchering.
Lenape:Neyowëna ènta wiyus'hèt.
Sound Icon
English:He carries his own sins on his back.
Lenape:Nihëlàchi nayuntànk mahtawsëwakàna.
Sound Icon
English:Long ago when a girl had a baby.
Lenape:Nìke lòmëwe ènta xkwechëch wëlahëlat mimënsa.
Sound Icon
English:I bit my tongue by accident.
Lenape:Nilanu mpitàntàmën.
Sound Icon
English:Have you ever used that Vicks (Vaporub)?
Lenape:Nìnhakatàmèn hàch nàni Vicks?
Sound Icon
English:I myself have used it.
Lenape:Nìnhakatàmèn ta ni.
Sound Icon
English:I am the one who did not return.
Lenape:Ni ntëli mata kwëtkiwën.
Sound Icon
English:I myself led these of the Turtle Clan when there was a war.
Lenape:Ni ntëli sahkakwënaneyo yuki Pukuankuichik ènta mahtakenk.
Sound Icon
English:I read two books.
Lenape:Nisha lekhikàna ntàkima.
Sound Icon
English:Two dollars.
Lenape:Nisha ntalasa.
Sound Icon
English:Two flowers.
Lenape:Nisha òtaèsàk.
Sound Icon
English:Two young men said, 'We will.'
Lenape:Nisha skìnuwàk luweyok, 'Niluna ta.'
Sound Icon
English:It has been cold here for two days.
Lenape:Nishukwëne the yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:I am a skilled canoemaker.
Lenape:Nitai muxulhe.
Sound Icon
English:I am a Delaware.
Lenape:Ni ta Lënape.
Sound Icon
English:I can go and kill the serpent.
Lenape:Ni ta may nhila na màxaxkuk.
Sound Icon
English:I am riding horseback.
Lenape:Ni ta nehënaonkèsahpi.
Sound Icon
English:I myself really hold dogs in high regard.
Lenape:Ni ta ni nëmàxinkwelëma wàni mwekane.
Sound Icon
English:I do my best alone.
Lenape:Ni xuha ntalënuwihëla.
Sound Icon
English:My mother is carrying the soup.
Lenape:Nkahès kwëlënëm në kshitay.
Sound Icon
English:We want some of the hot ashes.
Lenape:Nkakatamuhëna në kèshtèk punkw.
Sound Icon
English:I want to tell a story.
Lenape:Nkata achimwi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to dress myself.
Lenape:Nkata ahkona nhàkay.
Sound Icon
English:I want to rest.
Lenape:Nkata alaximwi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to fish.
Lenape:Nkata ame.
Sound Icon
English:I want to get up.
Lenape:Nkata amwi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sing.
Lenape:Nkata asuwi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sing for a little while.
Lenape:Nkata asuwi takiti.
Sound Icon
English:I want to make garden.
Lenape:Nkata hakihe.
Sound Icon
English:First I want to finish fixing my fence.
Lenape:Nkatatami kishixtun nëmenàxk.
Sound Icon
English:I want to hide quickly (polite saying for 'I want to use toilet')
Lenape:Nkata kànchihëla.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sleep.
Lenape:Nkata kawi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sleep.
Lenape:Nkata kawi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to tell you something.
Lenape:Nkata kèku lël.
Sound Icon
English:I want to give him something.
Lenape:Nkata kèku mila.
Sound Icon
English:I want to say a few words.
Lenape:Nkata kèxaptun kèku luwe.
Sound Icon
English:I want to heat it.
Lenape:Nkata kshësëmën.
Sound Icon
English:I want to smell it (intentionally).
Lenape:Nkata kwësiamën.
Sound Icon
English:I want one frybread.
Lenape:Nkata kwëti salàpòn.
Sound Icon
English:I want to move.
Lenape:Nkata kwsi.
Sound Icon
English:I want an apple.
Lenape:Nkatala apëlìsh.
Sound Icon
English:I want a chicken.
Lenape:Nkatala tipas.
Sound Icon
English:I want to live the Delaware way.
Lenape:Nkata Lënapeowsi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to dance the Delaware way.
Lenape:Nkata Lënapewka.
Sound Icon
English:I want to burn cedar.
Lenape:Nkata lusa pëphòkwës.
Sound Icon
English:I want to go to a dance.
Lenape:Nkata mahwink a.
Sound Icon
English:I want to go to help him.
Lenape:Nkata mai wichëma.
Sound Icon
English:I want to gather wood.
Lenape:Nkata manàxe.
Sound Icon
English:I want to make a clay pot.
Lenape:Nkata maniha siskuwahus.
Sound Icon
English:I want to go to wash.
Lenape:Nkata may kshixtike. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I want to go look at him.
Lenape:Nkata may pënao.
Sound Icon
English:I want to smell it.
Lenape:Nkata mëlamën.
Sound Icon
English:I want to vomit.
Lenape:Nkata mëlàntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I want to buy land.
Lenape:Nkata mhalàmën hàki.
Sound Icon
English:I want to buy food.
Lenape:Nkata mhalamën mehëmichink.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sell something.
Lenape:Nkata mhalëmake.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sell my house.
Lenape:Nkata mhalëmake nëwikwam.
Sound Icon
English:I want to sell a house.
Lenape:Nkata mhalëmake wikëwam.
Sound Icon
English:I want to work
Lenape:Nkata mikëmòsi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to give her a dress.
Lenape:Nkata mila hèmpës.
Sound Icon
English:I want to give them a dress.
Lenape:Nkata milaok hèmpës.
Sound Icon
English:I want to soften it.
Lenape:Nkata ntòkënëmën.
Sound Icon
English:I want to stay at home.
Lenape:Nkata nutike. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I want to crack some nuts.
Lenape:Nkata pahkàsi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to crack pecans.
Lenape:Nkata pahkàsi kansèm.
Sound Icon
English:I want to crack some pecans.
Lenape:Nkata pahkàsi kansèm.
Sound Icon
English:I want to shoot him.
Lenape:Nkata payaxkho. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I want to shoot an owl.
Lenape:Nkata payaxkho kukhus. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I want to wash my hair.
Lenape:Nkata shixhùkò
Sound Icon
English:I want to urinate.
Lenape:Nkata shki.
Sound Icon
English:We want some seeds.
Lenape:Nkatatàmënèn xkànim.
Sound Icon
English:I want that white dish.
Lenape:Nkatatàmën në opèk lokèns.
Sound Icon
English:I want a small piece.
Lenape:Nkatatàm tànkiti pàke.
Sound Icon
English:We want some corn.
Lenape:Nkatatàmuhëna xàskwim.
Sound Icon
English:I want some boiled corn.
Lenape:Nkatatàm wënsasik xàskwim.
Sound Icon
English:I want to bathe soon.
Lenape:Nkata tixëmwi xulëniti.
Sound Icon
English:I want to ask you something.
Lenape:Nkata tutëmul.
Sound Icon
English:I want to go to town.
Lenape:Nkata utènink a.
Sound Icon
English:I want to know it.
Lenape:Nkata watun. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I want to give names to my relatives.
Lenape:Nkata wihëlaneyo nèk elankumàkik.
Sound Icon
English:I want to beg of you.
Lenape:Nkata winëwamël.
Sound Icon
English:I want to cross the water.
Lenape:Nkata xkoxka. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I want to go to sleep now.
Lenape:Nkata yukwe kawi.
English:I almost got pregnant.
Lenape:Nkati ànchi lànkuntàm
Sound Icon
English:I am hungry and I want to eat.
Lenape:Nkatupwi, nkata mitsi.
Sound Icon
English:I want to eat some gravy.
Lenape:Nkatutàm ehëmàxkenk.
Sound Icon
English:I want to eat some pecans.
Lenape:Nkatutàm kansèm.
Sound Icon
English:I want to eat some meat.
Lenape:Nkatutàm wiyus.
Sound Icon
English:I am holding a fork.
Lenape:Nkëlëntàm lèlxaoluwèk.
Sound Icon
English:Those people listened to me.
Lenape:Nkëlëstakuna nèki awènik.
Sound Icon
English:The man listens to me.
Lenape:Nkëlëstakw na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:The man listened to me.
Lenape:Nkëlëtakw na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:I sewed my dress.
Lenape:Nkëlixamën ntahèmpsëm.
Sound Icon
English:I sewed on my shirt. ; I sewed on my dress.
Lenape:Nkëlixhamën ntahèmpsëm
Sound Icon
English:I must go back.
Lenape:Nkënch ta kwëtkiane.
Sound Icon
English:I hid the money then I showed Jim where the money is.
Lenape:Nkënthatun mah moni na na Jim nëwëntamao tëta etèk në moni.
Sound Icon
English:I went crazy in a wagon (or car) as the wagon spun around.
Lenape:Nkëpchehëla tëpchehëlasink ènta tëpchehëlat na tëpchehëlas.
Sound Icon
English:We washed out ears.
Lenape:Nkëshixtuna nhitaokëna.
Sound Icon
English:I itched when a mosquito bit me.
Lenape:Nkëshuwsi ènta punkwës thòmit.
Sound Icon
English:I walked silently but the dog growled, he must have heard me.
Lenape:Nkimuwe shek na mwekane lùkwixin, mpëntakw èt.
Sound Icon
English:I raised a lot of watermelons.
Lenape:Nkishikënëm xaheli èskitamink.
Sound Icon
English:I finished dirtying it.
Lenape:Nkìshi niskitàmën.
Sound Icon
English:I have already thought about it.
Lenape:Nkìshi pënaelìntamën.
Sound Icon
English:I am afraid that I will starve.
Lenape:Nkwitàmën tìlìch shawlamwin.
Sound Icon
English:He followed the other man as he walked down the road.
Lenape:Nòòlao nèl takok lënuwa ènta pëmëskat tëmakànink.
Sound Icon
English:He carries the saddle on his back.
Lenape:Noyuntàm në ehapahpink.
Sound Icon
English:I looked at the bird when he suddenly flew away.
Lenape:Npënao na chulëns ènta këthwihëlat.
Sound Icon
English:We are sorry for what we said.
Lenape:Nshielìntàmuhëna èluweyànk.
Sound Icon
English:I got married yesterday.
Lenape:Nshilìntàm lòkëwe.
Sound Icon
English:I hate those rocks.
Lenape:Nshinkatamëna nèl ahsëna.
Sound Icon
English:I hated it when they were fighting.
Lenape:Nshinkatàmën ènta mahtakenk.
Sound Icon
English:I hate to go places when it is raining.
Lenape:Nshinki hànkw tëta a ènta sukëlànk.
Sound Icon
English:I hate to go places when it is cold.
Lenape:Nshinki hànkw tëta a ènta thèk.
Sound Icon
English:I do not like to listen to bad talk (news) now because there is a war.
Lenape:Nshinki këlìsta mahchikwi luweokàn èli mahtakèn yukwe.
Sound Icon
English:He hates to see me go outside because he thinks I am leaving. (Lucy is speaking of her dog.)
Lenape:Nshinki neyùkw ntëli kochëmink a litehe ntalëmska.
Sound Icon
English:I don't like this saying (or word).
Lenape:Nshinksìtàmën yu luweokàn.
Sound Icon
English:I am tired of hearing him, I wish he would shut up.
Lenape:Nshinksìtao, kwëlaha chitkwësin.
Sound Icon
English:My uncle and my father and I hunted near a creek.
Lenape:Nshis òk nux òk nèpe ntalaihëna kixki sipunk.
Sound Icon
English:I was upside down when I was hanging.
Lenape:Ntachichkoli ènta shehëlan.
Sound Icon
English:I feel congested when I smoke too much.
Lenape:Ntahchihëleamàlsi ènta sòmipoàn.
Sound Icon
English:I feel congested here in my lung.
Lenape:Ntahchihëleamàlsi yushe nopànink.
Sound Icon
English:My dress is in the house.; My shirt is in the house.
Lenape:Ntahèmpsëm wikwahëmink hate.
Sound Icon
English:That dog bit me.
Lenape:Ntahëmùkw na mwekane.
Sound Icon
English:The snake bit me.
Lenape:Ntahëmukw na xkuk.
Sound Icon
English:We went to his house.
Lenape:Ntahëna wikit.
Sound Icon
English:I might have made him mad.
Lenape:Ntahiha èt.
Sound Icon
English:I am very sleepy.
Lenape:Ntahi kahtunkòm.
Sound Icon
English:I am very tired.
Lenape:Ntahi wikwihëla.
Sound Icon
English:I love the Delaware language.
Lenape:Ntahotàmën Lënapei lixsëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:I talk about animals
Lenape:Ntàkënimaok aèsësàk
Sound Icon
English:I will talk about animals.
Lenape:ntàkënutëmàok aèsësàk.
Sound Icon
English:I read the (news)paper.
Lenape:Ntakima na pampil.
Sound Icon
English:I cannot talk Delaware.
Lenape:Ntala alënixsi.
Sound Icon
English:I stopped swimming.
Lenape:Ntala ashëwil.
Sound Icon
English:I will go hunting if it snows.
Lenape:Ntalai winèke.
Sound Icon
English:I go home quickly.
Lenape:Ntalàpi machi.
Sound Icon
English:I wrote this.
Lenape:Ntalekhikàmën yun.
Sound Icon
English:I began to feel like I really wanted to vomit.
Lenape:Ntalëmi ahi nkata mëlàntàm alàshi.
Sound Icon
English:I began to want to vomit.
Lenape:Ntalëmi kahta mëlàntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I am getting to be an old person.
Lenape:Ntalëmi kìkay.
Sound Icon
English:I am beginning to get hot.
Lenape:Ntalëmi kshësi.
Sound Icon
English:I began to vomit.
Lenape:Ntalëmi mëlàntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I began to watch those two.
Lenape:Ntalemi pënaok nèk nisha.
Sound Icon
English:I have begun to forget it.
Lenape:Ntalëmi wànin.
Sound Icon
English:We have begun to forget it.
Lenape:Ntalëmi wàninèn.
Sound Icon
English:I leave to go prepare it for you.
Lenape:Ntalëmska may wëlixtulën..
Sound Icon
English:My pets, I have two.
Lenape:Ntalëmunsàk, nisha nulhala.
Sound Icon
English:My animal is strong. (horse, dog, etc.)
Lenape:Ntalëmuns chitanësu. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:My pet is smart.
Lenape:Ntalëmuns lëpwe.
Sound Icon
English:My pet is also a Beagle, a little male.
Lenape:Ntalëmuntët òk nàni Beagle, lënuwexàmëtët.
Sound Icon
English:I felt it when that fly bit me.
Lenape:Ntàmama ènta na uche thomit.
Sound Icon
English:I sense that person's presence.
Lenape:Ntàmama na awèn.
Sound Icon
English:I went to the store.
Lenape:Nta mèmhalamùntikaonink.
Sound Icon
English:I speared the fish.
Lenape:Ntànkama na namès.
Sound Icon
English:The bee stung me.
Lenape:Ntànkamùkw na amëwe.
Sound Icon
English:I drank milk with my meal.
Lenape:Ntapamuhe nunakàn.
Sound Icon
English:I am in Dewey.
Lenape:Ntapi Dewey-ink.
Sound Icon
English:I am in Dewey.
Lenape:Ntàpi Dewey-ink.
Sound Icon
English:I roast the meat
Lenape:Ntàpusi në wiyus.
Sound Icon
English:I had a dream last night.
Lenape:Ntashimwi welakwike.
Sound Icon
English:I walked fast when we went to the creek.
Lenape:Ntàshxëmuxwe sipunk ènta eenkw.
Sound Icon
English:I fed his dog (or his pet).
Lenape:Ntàxama tòlëmunsa.
Sound Icon
English:I took my dress off.
Lenape:Ntëkënëmën ntahèmpsëm. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I told these children now I will smoke to death.
Lenape:Ntëlaok yuki mimënsàk mèchi xu ntaptipo.
Sound Icon
English:I told him, "Phooey," when he said something.
Lenape:Ntëla, "Phwit," ènta kèku luwèt.
Sound Icon
English:I wrote and I read.
Lenape:Ntëlekhike òk ntahènsi.
Sound Icon
English:I heard that that Wehixamukes spoke incorrectly.
Lenape:Ntëlsìtàm amàchixsu naka Wèhixamukèsa.
Sound Icon
English:The doctor told me, 'Don't ever come here again.'
Lenape:Ntëlùkw na ntaktël, 'Kàchi chich pahich.'
Sound Icon
English:I want to say a few words.
Lenape:Ntënxi kahta kèxaptun luwe.
Sound Icon
English:I am tired of hearing that saying.
Lenape:Ntèpsìtàm yu wëntamokàn.
Sound Icon
English:I think they want that which we want.
Lenape:Ntite katatàmëneyok kiluna kètatamink.
Sound Icon
English:I think I will jump over that tree limb.
Lenape:Ntite xu ntalëmakil në tuhòn.
Sound Icon
English:I open the door
Lenape:Ntunkshènëmën skontay.
Sound Icon
English:You blame me for nothing. (falsely)
Lenape:Nuchkwe ktakwimi.
Sound Icon
English:I should feel well when I stop smoking.
Lenape:Nulamàlsi a ènta ala hupoàn.
Sound Icon
English:I feel really well.
Lenape:Nulamàlsi ta.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because I can still speak Lenape.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli kwiakwi kàski alënixsia.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that I am again at my home.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli làpi paan wikia.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you came. (welcome)
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli paan.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that you came. (Welcome!)
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli paan.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that you all came. (Welcome!)
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli paèk.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you people came.
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli paèkw
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because I have lived until this day.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli pètawsia yukwe ènta kishkwik.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you did well.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli wëlësit.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you came here.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli yu paan.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that I came here.
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli yu paa yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that I can again walk around on this earth.
Lenape:Nulelìntàmën èli kàski làpi pëmësketàmën yushe xkwithakamika.
Sound Icon
English:I was glad when she said that because I like her.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm ènta në luwèt èli nëwinkala.
Sound Icon
English:I have a bow.
Lenape:Nulhala hatapi.
Sound Icon
English:I own a bow.
Lenape:Nulhala hatapi.
Sound Icon
English:I have thirty six little fishes.
Lenape:Nulhala xintxke òk kwëtash namètëtàk.
Sound Icon
English:I am happy at this place when I visit.
Lenape:Nulhatenami yushe ènta kiikeyàn.
Sound Icon
English:I have a chair.
Lenape:Nulhatu lehëlëmatahpink.
Sound Icon
English:I have some money, let's go to town.
Lenape:Nulhatu moni, utènink atàm.
Sound Icon
English:I hear him well.
Lenape:Nuli pëntao.
Sound Icon
English:I got married in Dewey.
Lenape:Nushilìntàm Dewey-ink.
Sound Icon
English:I know a Choctaw named Sarah Jones.
Lenape:Nuwaha Chahta luwènsu Sarah Jones.
Sound Icon
English:Come here, let's dance.
Lenape:Nuwi, këntkatàm.
Sound Icon
English:Come, let's dance.
Lenape:Nuwi, këntkatàm.
Sound Icon
English:Come here little one, let us eat pork and frybread.
Lenape:Nuwiti, michitàm kwëshkwësheyok òk salàpon.
Sound Icon
English:Father, will you sing tomorrow?
Lenape:Nuxa, ktasuwi hàch alàpa?
Sound Icon
English:She held the flower.
Lenape:Ohkènao nèl òtaèsa.
Sound Icon
English:That cat is slow.
Lenape:Ohtamsu na pushis.
Sound Icon
English:She had a doll that looked different that she made of sticks.
Lenape:Ohtasu hìtko mësilinakòhtu wëlitu.
Sound Icon
English:They flew around the red flowers.
Lenape:Okai kënthuwàk màxksichik òtaèsàk.
Sound Icon
English:There are flowers all around.
Lenape:Okai òtaèsàk.
Sound Icon
English:And they do not even want to understand the Delaware language.
Lenape:Ok mata ili kòta nënustamëneyo në Lënapeixsëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:Oh, your older brother wanted to go fishing.
Lenape:O, kxans kahta ame.
Sound Icon
English:Oh, I am going to go to town anyhow.
Lenape:O, nahëli utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Are there many opossums around here?
Lenape:Opinkwike hàch yu tali?
Sound Icon
English:I went over the hill.
Lenape:Osaonkwe nta.
Sound Icon
English:The cat is sleeping on his back.
Lenape:Osatèxin na pushis ènta kawit.
Sound Icon
English:The man sat on the other side of the tree.
Lenape:Osi hìtkunk na lënu lëmatahpu.
Sound Icon
English:We went behind the house.
Lenape:Osikamike ntanèn.
Sound Icon
English:Flowers are beginning to bloom.
Lenape:Otaèsàk alëmi òtaeyëwàk.
Sound Icon
English:The beans in your garden are blooming.
Lenape:Otaeyuwa nèl malaxkwsita ktakihakànink.
Sound Icon
English:Oh, that little dog was glad.
Lenape:O, wëlelìntàm na mwekanetët.
Sound Icon
English:Later on you will play the flute.
Lenape:Owiye ktàpikwe.
Sound Icon
English:I am very glad.
Lenape:Pahkànchi nulelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I am very glad to see you.
Lenape:Pahkànchi nulelìntàm èli newëlàn.
Sound Icon
English:We should go to a different place.
Lenape:Pali a ktahëna.
Sound Icon
English:He moved to a different chair.
Lenape:Pali lehëlëmatahpink è.
Sound Icon
English:I will go elsewhere.
Lenape:Pali xu nta.
Sound Icon
English:I go down the hill.
Lenape:Pankhanunk nta.
Sound Icon
English:They pray in the Big House Church for twelve nights.
Lenape:Patamaok lamunkwe Xinkwikaonink tèlën òk nisha piskèk.
Sound Icon
English:You came from church.
Lenape:Patamweikaonink kum.
Sound Icon
English:I came from church.
Lenape:Patamweikaonink num.
Sound Icon
English:Prayer that Jesus said (Lord's Prayer)
Lenape:Patamweokàn èluwèt Jesus.
Sound Icon
English:Wait for me a while, I will go dig them up.
Lenape:Pèhi takiti, xu nëmai ktahòòk.
Sound Icon
English:He sits beside me.
Lenape:Pëmichi lëmatahpu.
Sound Icon
English:Just look at all the things I won!
Lenape:Pëna tamwe wèmi kèku nsihëwe!
Sound Icon
English:He went into a hole in a tree.
Lenape:Pënchi hìtkunk ènta òlèk.
Sound Icon
English:My shirt is dry (after having been wet).
Lenape:Penkwte ntahèmpsëm. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:Oh, look at him!
Lenape:Pënow tamwe!
Sound Icon
English:I used cedar because I wanted to purify myself.
Lenape:Pëphòkwës nakala èli kata pilhìksi.
Sound Icon
English:He knocked on the door.
Lenape:Pëpuhwitehëmën skontay.
Sound Icon
English:The white people brought us whiskey.
Lenape:takuna wàni weòpsit wëshki.
Sound Icon
English:They came to where I live.
Lenape:Peyok yushe ènta wikia.
Sound Icon
English:The Delawares live differently from the White people.
Lenape:Pililawsuwàk yuki Lenapeyok nawènahta Shëwanahkok.
Sound Icon
English:This flower is a different color.
Lenape:Pililikwsu wa òtaès.
Sound Icon
English:This flower looks different.
Lenape:Pililinakwsu wa òtaès.
Sound Icon
English:I want to talk about something different.
Lenape:Pili nkata kèku ahkënutàm.
Sound Icon
English:The preacher misspoke when he preached.
Lenape:Pitapeune na pèpëmëtunhèt ènta pëmëtunhèt.
Sound Icon
English:He winked at the young woman.
Lenape:Pòkinkwelahtao nèl skixkweyo.
Sound Icon
English:The chairs are stuck together.
Lenape:Psàkwixënu nèk lehëlëmatahpinkok.
Sound Icon
English:The pumpkins were yellowed by weeds growing around them.
Lenape:Pukchitamëneyo kèskunthaka.
Sound Icon
English:His feet are broken.
Lenape:Pukòhtu nèl sita.
Sound Icon
English:The table is broken.
Lenape:Pukòt në ehèntapipwink.
Sound Icon
English:I placed a mouse on my head. (from song sung by a cat)
Lenape:Pukwès nilink ntahëla.
Sound Icon
English:Levae it alone or it will hurt you.
Lenape:Punita xu kwëshinalùkòn.
Sound Icon
English:I used ashes.
Lenape:Punkw nakatàm.
Sound Icon
English:A cat is sitting on the porch.
Lenape:Pushis lëmatahpu alëwikaonink.
Sound Icon
English:He wants that rabbit that he is looking at.
Lenape:Pwënao nèl chëmàmsa kòtalao.
Sound Icon
English:They heard those things.
Lenape:Pwëntamëneyo nël këku.
Sound Icon
English:He heard everything that he said.
Lenape:Pwëntao wèmi kèku èluwèt.
Sound Icon
English:Lead me by the hand wherever I go.
Lenape:Sahkakwënich tëta pe aàn.
Sound Icon
English:The flowers are coming up.
Lenape:Sakhukweyok nèk òtaèsàk.
Sound Icon
English:That person is worried.
Lenape:Sàkwelìntàm na awèn.
Sound Icon
English:They were sad because where they were was spoiled.
Lenape:Sàkwelìntàmuk èli palitunasik në èpihtit.
Sound Icon
English:Sunday I go to Bartlesville, those Delawares want to try to speak Lenape.
Lenape:Sàntèke Bartlesville nta, nèk Lënapeyok kèta kwchi alënixsihtit.
Sound Icon
English:He was bald when he was born.
Lenape:Sapëlàntpe ènta mhitahpit.
Sound Icon
English:I go to the south.
Lenape:Shaoneyunk nta.
Sound Icon
English:I will go south.
Lenape:Shaoneyunk xu nta.
Sound Icon
English:The glass is on the table.
Lenape:Shapontèk hate èhèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:I am sitting by the fire.
Lenape:Shawiskte nlëmatahpi.
Sound Icon
English:I am here by the fire.
Lenape:Shawiskte ntàpi.
Sound Icon
English:I am here south of the house.
Lenape:Shawneyunk wikwahëmink ntàpi.
Sound Icon
English:I will used this as a breechcloth.
Lenape:She lah yu nsàkutan.
Sound Icon
English:This is our land.
Lenape:Shè lah yu ntakiyëmëna.
Sound Icon
English:That is it.
Lenape:Shè ta nën.
Sound Icon
English:Here it is.
Lenape:Shè ta yu.
Sound Icon
English:The beans are sour (spoiled).
Lenape:Shëwalsu nèl malàxkwsita.
Sound Icon
English:The wood is straight.
Lenape:Shëxahke në taxàn.
Sound Icon
English:Here is something to read.
Lenape:She yul kèku ahkënta.
Sound Icon
English:I am right here.
Lenape:Shè yu ntàpi.
Sound Icon
English:We are right here.
Lenape:Shè yu ntàpinèn.
Sound Icon
English:I am sitting on the edge of the bed.
Lenape:Shòwi xansunink nlëmatahpi.
Sound Icon
English:Grasshoppers like to eat grass.
Lenape:Shùkwìlkèsàk skiko winkitàmuk.
Sound Icon
English:Grasshoppers like to eat grass.
Lenape:Shùkwìlkèsàk winkitàmuk skiko .
Sound Icon
English:Let us go to the creek.
Lenape:Sipunk atàm.
Sound Icon
English:I go to the creek.
Lenape:Sipunk nta.
Sound Icon
English:My shirt is wet.
Lenape:Skàpe ntahèmpsëm. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I have to get ready when I finish eating.
Lenape:Sòkënch wènchahkiane ènta kìshi mitsia.
Sound Icon
English:You are talking too fast.
Lenape:Sòmi ktalàpixsi.
Sound Icon
English:That cat is very cold.
Lenape:Sòmi tahkòchu na pushis.
Sound Icon
English:This is a very small town.
Lenape:Sòmi tànkètu yu utènay.
Sound Icon
English:This town is too small.
Lenape:Sòmi tànkètu yu utènay.
Sound Icon
English:He is very smart.
Lenape:Sòmi watàm.
Sound Icon
English:It has a good sound.
Lenape:Sòmi wëlitakòt.
Sound Icon
English:I went to the stable.
Lenape:Stèpëlink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Where should we go?
Lenape:Tach a ktahëna?
Sound Icon
English:I will never see you again.
Lenape:Ta chich knewëlu.
Sound Icon
English:Where are you going?
Lenape:Ta hàch kta?
Sound Icon
English:How do you feel?
Lenape:Ta hàch ktëlamàlsin?
Sound Icon
English:How is Mr. Jones feeling?
Lenape:Ta hàch tëlamàlsin na Jones?
Sound Icon
English:Where shall we eat?
Lenape:Ta hèch a ktënta mitsinèn?
Sound Icon
English:How do you make frybread?
Lenape:Ta hëch ki ksalàpònhe?
Sound Icon
English:Where are you going?
Lenape:Ta hèch kta?
Sound Icon
English:Where will you people be?
Lenape:Ta hèch ktàpineyo kiluwa?
Sound Icon
English:Where do you hurt?
Lenape:Ta hèch ktintamàlsi?
Sound Icon
English:Where did you come from?
Lenape:Ta hèch kum?
Sound Icon
English:Where do you live?
Lenape:Ta hèch kwikin?
Sound Icon
English:What color eyes does Mary have?
Lenape:Ta hèch likte na Mary wëshkinko?
Sound Icon
English:What color are those beads?
Lenape:Ta hèch tòliksin nèk manshapiàk?
Sound Icon
English:Where did he come from?
Lenape:Ta hèch um?
Sound Icon
English:Where has he been?
Lenape:Ta hèch um?
Sound Icon
English:Where did it come from?
Lenape:Ta hèch wënchi?
Sound Icon
English:Where do you live?
Lenape:Ta hèch wikin?
Sound Icon
English:A turtle cannot fly away because he does not have any wings.
Lenape:Tahkox ku kàski kënthwihële èli mata wëlunkòna wëlatu.
Sound Icon
English:He cannot do anything.
Lenape:Ta kàski kèku lësi.
Sound Icon
English:We could not say.
Lenape:Ta kàski luwehùmëna.
Sound Icon
English:A little blouse was made.
Lenape:Tàkhwèmptët wëlitaonu.
Sound Icon
English:I stopped for a while.
Lenape:Takiti nakihëla. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I rest for a little while.
Lenape:Takiti ntalaximwi.
Sound Icon
English:Those wolves are cold.
Lenape:Takòchuwàk nèki tëmeyok.
Sound Icon
English:He is short and fat.
Lenape:Takòkwsu òk wisu.
Sound Icon
English:I really do not know.
Lenape:Ta ku nuwatuwën.
Sound Icon
English:I will not cook for you.
Lenape:Ta kwixënihuli.
Sound Icon
English:I will not see her again.
Lenape:Ta làpi neyo.
Sound Icon
English:Take these two men along with you.
Lenape:Talëmuxòlaok yukishe nisha lënuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:Sometimes we eat fish.
Lenape:Tamse hànkw nëmuhòhëna namès.
Sound Icon
English:Sometimes Uncle Bob comes.
Lenape:Tamse hànkw pe na nuxtët Bob.
Sound Icon
English:Sometimes they bring soup and meat and hominy.
Lenape:Tamse pètuwàk kshitay òk wiyus òk sëteyo.
Sound Icon
English:I will never forget when I was sick.
Lenape:Ta nëwiwàniwën ènta palsia.
Sound Icon
English:Where did the 'old thing' go?
Lenape:Tani hàch èshu?
Sound Icon
English:Where did the 'old thing' go?
Lenape:Tani hàch èshu?
Sound Icon
English:Where did the 'little fellow' go?
Lenape:Tani hàch ètu?
Sound Icon
English:Where did the Delawares go?
Lenape:Tani hàch eyok nèki Lënapeyok?
Sound Icon
English:Where is your mother?
Lenape:Tani hàch kahès?
Sound Icon
English:Where are you?
Lenape:Tani hàch ki?
Sound Icon
English:Where are you going?
Lenape:Tani hàch kta?
Sound Icon
English:Where did you put it?
Lenape:Tani hàch ktatun?
Sound Icon
English:Where is the drumhide?
Lenape:Tani hàch na puhënikàni xès?
Sound Icon
English:Where is the coward?
Lenape:Tani hàch na shwilait?
Sound Icon
English:Where does he live?
Lenape:Tani hàch wiku?
Sound Icon
English:Where is your spouse?
Lenape:Tani hàch witaemàk?
Sound Icon
English:Where is this place?
Lenape:Tani hàch yu tali?
Sound Icon
English:Where is it?
Lenape:Tani hèch hate?
Sound Icon
English:Which one do you want (animate form)
Lenape:Tani hèch katala?
Sound Icon
English:Where are you feeling bad?
Lenape:Tani hèch ki ktënta mahchamàlsin?
Sound Icon
English:Where are you going?
Lenape:Tani hèch kta?
Sound Icon
English:Where are you going?
Lenape:Tani hèch kta?
Sound Icon
English:Where did you put (or place) him?
Lenape:Tani hèch ktahëla?
Sound Icon
English:Where did you put it? (something animate)
Lenape:Tani hèch ktahëla?
Sound Icon
English:Where have you been?
Lenape:Tani hèch kum?
Sound Icon
English:Where did it come from?
Lenape:Tani hèch wënchi?
Sound Icon
English:Where did that person come from?
Lenape:Tani wënchi na awèn pe?
Sound Icon
English:I used a spear when I killed the fish.
Lenape:Tànkamikàn nhakatàm ènta nhilat na namès.
Sound Icon
English:Jan has a small waist.
Lenape:Tànkche wa Jan.
Sound Icon
English:A small house.
Lenape:Tànkètik wikëwam.
Sound Icon
English:The bow is little.
Lenape:Tànktitu na hatapi.
Sound Icon
English:The man is little.
Lenape:Tànktitu na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:The mourning dove is small.
Lenape:Tànktitu na mamèthakemu.
Sound Icon
English:The woman is little.
Lenape:Tànktitu na xkwechëch.
Sound Icon
English:The girl is small.
Lenape:Tànktitu na xkwechëch. [DN]
Sound Icon
English:The rock is small.
Lenape:Tànktitu në ahsën.
Sound Icon
English:Where are you going?
Lenape:Tash kta? (contraction)
Sound Icon
English:Where are you?
Lenape:Tash ktàpi?
Sound Icon
English:Where did you come from?
Lenape:Tash kum?
Sound Icon
English:How do you make it?
Lenape:Tash kwënchi manitu?
Sound Icon
English:How do you know that he is skinny?
Lenape:Tash kwënchi watun tìli alukin?
Sound Icon
English:Where is the soap?
Lenape:Tash në sop?
Sound Icon
English:Where is he?
Lenape:Tash tòpin?
Sound Icon
English:They have some wood.
Lenape:Taxàna ulhatuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:There is a cold wind from the north.
Lenape:Tàxën luwàneyunk wënchi.
Sound Icon
English:There are strawberries and onions there.
Lenape:Tehim në shè tali òk ulepënàk.
Sound Icon
English:He sounds slow when he speaks
Lenape:Tëkaitakwsu ènta kèku luwèt.
Sound Icon
English:Let us go to the woods.
Lenape:Tekënink atàm.
Sound Icon
English:I went to the woods
Lenape:Tekënink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I can count to ten.
Lenape:Tèlën nkàski lih ahkëntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I am seated on twelve skunk hides.
Lenape:Tèlën òk nisha shkakwxèsa ntapahpi.
Sound Icon
English:Come in, sit down, and you should eat.
Lenape:Tëmike, lalëmatahpi, òk a këmitsi.
Sound Icon
English:Whatever he will do.
Lenape:Tëtàch èlsit.
Sound Icon
English:Wherever they starved to death.
Lenape:ta ènta shawlamwihtit.
Sound Icon
English:Where is Lucy?
Lenape:ta hàch Lucy?
Sound Icon
English:Where is he?
Lenape:ta hèch tòpin?
Sound Icon
English:Wherever they go.
Lenape:ta peyahtit.
Sound Icon
English:Wherever he goes.
Lenape:ta peyat.
Sound Icon
English:I am going to the chicken house (coop)
Lenape:Tipasikaonink nta.
Sound Icon
English:He caught the baby.
Lenape:Tòhonao nèl mimëntëta.
Sound Icon
English:They speak softly when they talk together.
Lenape:tòkënixsuwàk ènta pèmtunhèhtit.
Sound Icon
English:He began to gather the things that he used.
Lenape:Tòlëmi maehëmën kèku nènhakatànk.
Sound Icon
English:I go to Turtle Creek -or- Turtle River.
Lenape:Tulpehanink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Open the door.
Lenape:Tunkshèni në skontay.
Sound Icon
English:Let us go to town.
Lenape:Utènink atàm.
Sound Icon
English:You will go to town.
Lenape:Utèninkch kta.
Sound Icon
English:Did you go to town?
Lenape:Utènink hèch kta?
Sound Icon
English:You all went to town.
Lenape:Utènink ktahëmo.
Sound Icon
English:You went to town then you gave her a dress.
Lenape:Utènink kta na këmilan hèmpës.
Sound Icon
English:You went to town then you gave me a dress.
Lenape:Utènink kta na këmili hèmpës.
Sound Icon
English:You went to town and then you gave us dresses.
Lenape:Utènink kta na këmilinèn hèmpsa.
Sound Icon
English:If I had gone to town I would have been glad.
Lenape:Utènink mah aane nulelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:If he had gone to town I would have been happy.
Lenape:Utènink mah ate nulelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I went to town.
Lenape:Utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I am going to town.
Lenape:Utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:We went to town.
Lenape:Utènink ntahëna.
Sound Icon
English:I am going to town and leaving Ginger.
Lenape:Utènink nta, nkala wa Ginger (dog's name).
Sound Icon
English:I will go to town tomorrow.
Lenape:Utènink xu nta alàpa.
Sound Icon
English:I will go to town in the afternoon.
Lenape:Utènink xu nta kìshi paxàkweke.
Sound Icon
English:I will go to town but it is not yet afternoon.
Lenape:Utènink xu nta shùkw nèsko paxàkwe.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad when I come to visit.
Lenape:Wanishi ta ènta pèchi kiikeyàn.
Sound Icon
English:This is my four-legged friend (refers to a pet).
Lenape:Wa nitis newkatat.
Sound Icon
English:I wonder if I should use cedar smoke when I purify the house.
Lenape:Wechia pëphòkwësi kwèshhatèk nhakatàm ènta pilhìksëmën në wikëwam.
Sound Icon
English:I wonder if I should go to town?
Lenape:Wèchi a utènink nta?
Sound Icon
English:I wonder if I should go to town.
Lenape:Wèchia utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:I wonder if she wants to sew?
Lenape:Wèchi èt kahta këlixike?
Sound Icon
English:Maybe it is what they eat that cleans their teeth.
Lenape:Wèchi èt kèku ènta mitsihtit pilituneyo nèl wipitëmëwo.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps you do not have the spiritual power.
Lenape:Wechi èt ki mata kulhatu në manëtuwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps he thinks when he talks that way he can scare someone.
Lenape:Wèchi èt litehe ènta në lëtunhèt kàski wishamao.
Sound Icon
English:She grabbed the flowers.
Lenape:Wèchihëlalao nèl òtaèsa.
Sound Icon
English:Let's go to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk atàm.
Sound Icon
English:You go to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk kta.
Sound Icon
English:He liked to hunt when he was young.
Lenape:Wehinkalai ènta wësksite.
Sound Icon
English:The dog howled when the bird sang.
Lenape:Wehul na mwekane ènta na chulëns asuwit.
Sound Icon
English:I guess the people used a corn pounder.
Lenape:Weitët èt kohòkàn nhakatàm awènik.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps they have used it.
Lenape:Weitët èt nìnhakatàmëneyo.
Sound Icon
English:Last night I went to a dance.
Lenape:Welakwike mahwink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Last night I went to a dance among the Shawnees.
Lenape:Welakwike mawink nta Shaonuwike.
Sound Icon
English:Last night it was too hot, I could not sleep.
Lenape:Welakwike sòmi nkeshsi, ntala kawi.
Sound Icon
English:The weatherman told the truth when he said, "It will snow."
Lenape:Wëlamëwe na 'weatherman' ènta luwèt, "Xu wine."
Sound Icon
English:If you have some eggs I want four.
Lenape:Wëlatane òòla nkatatàm newa.
Sound Icon
English:He had a strange look on his face when I betrayed him.
Lenape:Wëlelëminkwèxin ènta mikwihakit.
Sound Icon
English:He sounds strange when he talks.
Lenape:Wëlelëmixsu ènta pëmëtunhèt.
Sound Icon
English:She was glad because Walks Downstream and I came to help him.
Lenape:Wëlelìntàm èli Nahuxwe òk nèpe pèchi wichinkeyànkw.
Sound Icon
English:He was glad when he found out that we would help him.
Lenape:Wëlelìntàm ènta watakw tìli wichëntihënuk.
Sound Icon
English:The girl set the table.
Lenape:Wëlënchëwèxta na xkwechëch.
Sound Icon
English:Those rocks are good.
Lenape:Wëlëta nèl ahsëna.
Sound Icon
English:That is good.
Lenape:Wëlët ta nën.
Sound Icon
English:He spoke Delaware well when he read the papers.
Lenape:Wëli alënixsu ènta ahkimat nèl pambila.
Sound Icon
English:He didn't even say anything.
Lenape:Wëli hànkw mata kèku luwe.
Sound Icon
English:He didn't even see (something).
Lenape:Wëli hànkw mata nehku.
Sound Icon
English:The soup tastes good.
Lenape:Wëlipukòt në kshitay.
Sound Icon
English:That is a good thing.
Lenape:Weltëk ta në kèku.
Sound Icon
English:Let's all go.
Lenape:Wèmi atàm.
Sound Icon
English:Everyone who can pray should pray.
Lenape:Wèmi awèn kàski patamat patama.
Sound Icon
English:Everyone is bashful.
Lenape:Wèmi awèn kwitayasu.
Sound Icon
English:Everyone who saw him was surprised.
Lenape:Wèmi awèn neyòte chipelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I will bet everything.
Lenape:Wèmìch kèku ntatikèn.
Sound Icon
English:Everything that I was told when I was young.
Lenape:Wèmi kèku ntihëlëkenèp ènta wësksia.
Sound Icon
English:All little mice are gray.
Lenape:Wèmi pukwètëtàk wipunkwsuwàk.
Sound Icon
English:They are all united or close together.
Lenape:Wëmi tahkwixinuk.
Sound Icon
English:They all loved him.
Lenape:Wèmi taholawoo.
Sound Icon
English:It rolled everywhere.
Lenape:Wèmi tali tëpchehële.
Sound Icon
English:He came from everywhere.
Lenape:Wèmi wënchi tali pe.
Sound Icon
English:He saw him when he left.
Lenape:Wëneyo ènta alëmskat.
Sound Icon
English:He killed the deer when he shot him.
Lenape:Wënihëlao nèl ahtuho ènta pòyàxkhòt.
Sound Icon
English:Pass me the potatoes.
Lenape:Wëntahlëni nèk hopënisàk.
Sound Icon
English:Come and eat.; Come here and eat.
Lenape:Wëntaxa mitsi. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:Hand me that chicken.
Lenape:Wëntaxlënëmai na tipas.
Sound Icon
English:Hand those things to me.
Lenape:Wëntaxlënëmai nèl kèku.
Sound Icon
English:Hand me that ____
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni në ____
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English:Hand me those ____
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni nèk ____
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English:Hand me the sweet potatoes.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni nèk shukëlipënisàk.
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English:Hand me the beans; Pass me the beans.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni nèl malàxkwsita.
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English:Hand me the sweet potatoes.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni nèl shukëlipënàk.
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English:Hand me the pie.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni në pae.
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English:Hand me the stream fried meat.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni në salàsikàn.
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English:Hand me the boy.
Lenape:Wëntaxlën na pilaechëch.
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English:I went there a while ago.
Lenape:Wèski mah ika nta.
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English:A while ago there was a meeting here.
Lenape:Wèski mah yu tali maehëlan.
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English:Pass the corn.
Lenape:tahlëni në xàskwim.
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English:She stirred the soup.
Lenape:Wiàmxkhe në kshitay.
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English:Help me when I fix up where I live.
Lenape:Wichëmi ènta kahta wëlixtun ènta lawsia.
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English:Help me so that I can stand up well in this life.
Lenape:Wichëmi tëli nkàski wëli nipain yushe èntalawsienkw.
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English:He went with them when they went hunting.
Lenape:Wicheoo ènta alaihtit.
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English:I went to my house.
Lenape:Wikia nta.
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English:If they live there I will live here.
Lenape:Wikihtite nëshe tali ni yu nëwikin.
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English:He lives at the place.
Lenape:Wiku yushe tali.
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English:The basket is on her head.
Lenape:Wilink hate në tànkhakàn.
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English:The basket is placed on her head.
Lenape:Wilink hatu në tànkhakàn.
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English:The chicken soup tastes good.
Lenape:Winkàn në tipasi kshitay.
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English:He likes the shore.
Lenape:Winkatàmën në shohpe.
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English:He likes to sit.
Lenape:Winki lëmatahpu.
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English:This flower smells good.
Lenape:Winkimakwsu wa òtaès.
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English:He likes to eat deer's tongue.
Lenape:Winkitàm ahtuhwi wilanu.
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English:We ate with her when it was noon.
Lenape:Wipumawëna ènta paxàkwèk.
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English:The chickens were afraid when it thundered.
Lenape:Wishasuwàk nèk tipasàk ènta pèpèthakhòn.
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English:My spouse is across the river.
Lenape:Witaemàk òspèkwe.
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English:Suddenly I remembered it.
Lenape:Wixkaochi nëmëshatàmën.
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English:The sticks are all wrapped up.
Lenape:Wixkwèpisuwa nèl taxàna.
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English:He got married to a woman named Kathy.
Lenape:Wshilìntàmao nèl xkweyo èluwènsit Kathy.
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English:They hate that rock.
Lenape:Wshinkatamëneyo në ahsën.
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English:They hate those rocks.
Lenape:Wshinkatamëneyo nèl ahsëna.
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English:He is sitting behind; He is sitting in the back.
Lenape:Wtenk lëmatahpu.
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English:You want a lot.
Lenape:Xaheli katatàmën.
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English:There are many Delawares here.
Lenape:Xaheli Lënapeyok ahpuwàk yu tali.
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English:Many spirits live there under the water.
Lenape:Xaheli manëtuwàk tëntalawsineyo èkwpiyink.
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English:There are many medicines where I eat.
Lenape:Xaheli mpisuna ènta mitsia ika hate.
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English:Dogs definitely know many things.
Lenape:Xaheli ta wa mwekane uwatun kèku.
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English:The cars are noisy.
Lenape:Xahuwetakwsuwàk nèk tëpchehëlasàk.
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English:Finally we heard him behind the house.
Lenape:Xantki òsikamike mpëntawëna.
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English:Finally we hollered, 'Are you here?'
Lenape:Xantki xinkolamwihëna, 'Ktapi hàch?'
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English:I alternate corn and beans.
Lenape:Xaskwim ntaxkomi òk malàxkwsita. {DN}
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English:I want to know many things.
Lenape:Xeli kèku nkata watu.
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English:A lot was spoiled.
Lenape:Xeli palitasu.
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English:Is the river big or is it small?
Lenape:Xinkwi hàch në sipu shihàch tànkètu?
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English:I heard it in the Big House Church.
Lenape:Xinkwikaonink mpëntamën.
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English:The bird called a great horned owl is big.
Lenape:Xinkwi na chulëns ohuntàm èluwènsit.
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English:I went to a big town.
Lenape:Xinkwi utènink nta.
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English:Girl, get me something to smoke.
Lenape:Xkwèchi, natàmai wehupònk.
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English:I live on a mountain.
Lenape:Xkwitahtëne nëwiki.
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English:I live on a mountain and I have a garden.
Lenape:Xkwitahtëne nëwiki òk nulatu hakihakàn.
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English:I go to the top of the hill.
Lenape:Xkwitahtëne nta.
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English:We will go there this evening.
Lenape:Xu ika ktahëna lòkwike.
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English:I will go there.
Lenape:Xu ika nta.
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English:I will go to where you are.
Lenape:Xu ika nta ki èpiàn.
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English:You will make him worse. (referring to someone who is sick).
Lenape:Xu këmahtapama.
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English:You will bring them.
Lenape:Xu kpètaook.
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English:You will make him mad.
Lenape:Xu ktahiha.
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English:You will anger the winter spirit.
Lenape:Xu ktahiha na luwànàn'tu.
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English:You will anger the winter spirit.
Lenape:Xu ktahiha na luwànàn'tu.
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English:You will anger the spirits
Lenape:Xu ktahihaok nèk manëtuwàk.
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English:We will talk together again.
Lenape:Xu làpi ktachimwihëna.
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English:He will sit down.
Lenape:Xu lëmatahpu. {DN}
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English:I will think about it.
Lenape:Xu mpënaelìntàmën.
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English:They will bring me some food so I can eat.
Lenape:Xu mpètakuk mehëmichink xu nkàski mitsi.
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English:Soon I will speak better than you.
Lenape:Xuniti mpëmëtunhe alëwi wëlët nawènahta ki.
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English:Soon I will speak rather than you.
Lenape:Xuniti mpëmëtunhe nawènahta ki.
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English:I will bathe pretty soon.
Lenape:Xuniti ntahixëmwi.
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English:I will smoke to death.
Lenape:Xu ntaptipo.
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English:We must strike them.
Lenape:Xu ta mpàkamawënanàk.
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English:It will not fall off.
Lenape:Xu ta pënihële.
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English:My shirt is old.
Lenape:Xuwe ntahèmpsëm. {DN}
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English:She will cook for us when we are working.
Lenape:Xu wixënihaokuna ènta mikëmòsienkw.
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English:These people who have gathered.
Lenape:Yuk awènik ènta maehëlahtit.
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English:It is difficult today.
Lenape:Yukwe ènta kishkwik ahòt.
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English:Today is the beginning of Autumn.
Lenape:Yukwe ènta kishkwik alëmi tahkokën.
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English:Today it is cold and it is snowing.
Lenape:Yukwe ènta kishkwik the òk wine.
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English:Now on this morning.
Lenape:Yukwe ènta opànk.
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English:Now at this noontime.
Lenape:Yukwe ènta paxàkwe.
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English:He wants to sleep now.
Lenape:Yukwe kahta kawi.
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English:We are experiencing cool weather.
Lenape:Yukwe ktahapanëmihëna.
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English:Now I want to go home.
Lenape:Yukwe nkata machi.
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English:Now, you people gather berries.
Lenape:Yukwe ta mawënsihëmo.
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English:Now that one, that person was powerful!
Lenape:Yukwe ta nàn, chipi na awèn!
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English:We are now experiencing summer.
Lenape:Yukwe ta nipënëmihëna.
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English:This dish and that other dish look alike.
Lenape:Yu lokèns òk në takok lokèns èlinakohtu.
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English:This song is sung when someone wants to put a baby to sleep.
Lenape:Yushe asuwakàn ènta awèn kahta kawënhèt mimëtëta nal në tëli asuwin.
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English:I heard this song in the Big House Church.
Lenape:Yushe asuwakàn ènta Xinkwikaonink mpëntàmën.
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English:This song is sung for the women to answer in a woman dance.
Lenape:Yushe asuwakàn xkwei ènta naxkuhëmunt.
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English:Sit down here.
Lenape:Yushe lëmatahpi.
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English:It has been cold here for two days.
Lenape:Yu tali nishukwëne the.
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English:This place where the old Delawares had lived.
Lenape:Yu tali yushe xuwi Lënapeyunkahke wihikihtit.
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Lenape:Yu ta shè.
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English:Somewhere over here.
Lenape:Yu ta shè.