Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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31 Sample Sentence Search Results For "ope"

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English:If you were rich what would you buy?
Lenape:Ahopeanè a kèku hèch a këmahëlàm?
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English:The coffee tastes strong.
Lenape:Ahopëwe në kàpi.
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English:This young man is rich.
Lenape:Ahopeyu washe skìnu.
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English:Potatoes and corn and onions are everything I can buy.
Lenape:Hopënisàk òk xàskwim òk ulepënàk wèmi kèku nkàski ayëm.
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English:You ate one potato.
Lenape:Këmuhò kwëti hopënis.
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English:That white dish is hot.
Lenape:Kshëte në opënchu.
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English:I wish I was rich.
Lenape:Kwëlaha ntahopein.
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English:Give me some meat and potatoes, I am hungry.
Lenape:Mili wiyus òk hopënisàk, nkatupwi.
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English:Some wild potatoes grew downstream.
Lenape:Nahi ènta sakihtit tekënei hopënisàk.
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English:Go get the little white dishes.
Lenape:Nati nèl opënchutëta.
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English:Go get the white dishes.
Lenape:Nati nèl opënchuwa.
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English:Go get the white dish.
Lenape:Nati në opèk lokèns.
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English:Go get the white dish.
Lenape:Nati në opënchu.
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English:Go get the little white dish.
Lenape:Nati në opënchutët.
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English:That hot dish is white.
Lenape:Në kèshtèk lokèns ope.
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English:I would like to eat a pear.
Lenape:Nëwinkama hàkhàkopëlìsh.
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English:I like to eat potatoes.
Lenape:Nëwinkàmaok nèk hopënisàk.
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English:Two potatoes.
Lenape:Nisha hopënisàk.
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English:I want that white dish.
Lenape:Nkatatàmën në opèk lokèns.
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English:I want to eat a potato.
Lenape:Nkatupo hopënis.
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English:The road is white.
Lenape:Opèk tëmakàn.
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English:The river is white.
Lenape:Ope sipu.
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English:The river is white.
Lenape:Ope sipu.
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English:This dish is white.
Lenape:Ope yu lokèns.
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English:My gloves are white
Lenape:Opeyu nëwixkwelënchèpia.
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English:Five potatoes.
Lenape:Palenàxk hopënisàk.
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English:He is very rich.
Lenape:Sòmi ahopeyu.
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English:Pass me the potatoes.
Lenape:Wëntahlëni nèk hopënisàk.
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English:Perhaps the white meat will taste good. (like from a chicken)
Lenape:Winkàn èt në opèk wiyus.
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English:Those potatoes and onions taste good.
Lenape:Winkëluk nèk hopënisàk òk ulepënàk.
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English:When they have the payment everyone will be rich.
Lenape:Xu moni miltin nèk wèmi awèn ahopei.