Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

By English WORD or PHRASE

By Lenape WORD or PHRASE

60 Sample Sentence Search Results For "min"

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English:Some of the men are across the river.
Lenape:Alënte lënuwàk kamink.
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English:Some work in the house and some outdoors.
Lenape:Alënte mikëmòsuwàk wikwahëmink òk alënte kòchëmink.
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English:Yes, she went to Bartlesville.
Lenape:E-e, Kamink è.
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English:Angels came from heaven.
Lenape:Enchëlàk wënchihëleyok os'hakamink.
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English:Don't whistle outside after dark or your mouth will go crooked.
Lenape:Kàchi chipëweyàn kochëmink ènta piskèk, xu kpimtunehëla.
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English:They went across the river.; They went to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Kamink eyok.
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English:Did she go to Bartlesville?
Lenape:Kamink hàch è?
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English:I am going to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Kamink nta.
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English:What do you see outside?
Lenape:Kèku hàch knem kòchëmink?
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English:Do you feel better?
Lenape:minkahseamàlsi hàch?
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English:How many rocks are there in the house?
Lenape:Kèxa hèch ahsëna wikwahëmink?
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English:The man is outdoors.
Lenape:Kochëmink ahpu na lënu.
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English:We should go outside.
Lenape:Kochëmink a ktahëna.
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English:We should go outside, it is very hot in the house.
Lenape:Kochëmink a ktahëna, sòmi kshëte wikwahëmink.
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English:Let us go outside.
Lenape:Kòchëmink atàm.
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English:We will go outside and play.
Lenape:Kòchëmink ktalìch mai papihëna.
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English:The man is outdoors.
Lenape:Kochëmink na lënu.
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English:Can I play outside, the girl said.
Lenape:Ko hèch a kochëmink ntënta papi, na xkwechëch luwe.
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English:The rabbit ran around the house.
Lenape:Kshihële na chëmamës òkai wikwahëmink.
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English:I do not like watermelon.
Lenape:Ku nëwinkitàmu èskitàmink.
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English:I don't have any food, that is why I am going to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Ku nulhatu mehëmichink nal në wënchi Kamink nta.
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English:There is a pine tree near my house.
Lenape:Kuweòkw kixki nëwikwahëmink.
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English:He put the things back in his pocket.
Lenape:Làpi pòkìtëmink hatuna.
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English:Yesterday I went to Bartlesville.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mah Kamink nta.
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English:Yesterday I went to Bartlesville and I saw many Delawares.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mah Kamink nta, xaheli Lënapeyok neyo.
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English:Let's go outside and play.
Lenape:Mai papitàm kòchëmink.
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English:There is a fence around the house.
Lenape:Menxkhasu òkai wikwahëmink.
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English:Are those seeds?
Lenape:Minko hàch nèk? [DN]
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English:The man is in the house.
Lenape:Na lënu ahpu wikwahëmink.
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English:The man standing near the house.
Lenape:Na lënu nipait kixki wikwahëmink.
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English:The child said, 'Oh, that little dog is cute.'
Lenape:Na mimëns luwe, 'E, ninkëminakwtitit na mwekane.'
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English:Then I told him, 'Of course.'
Lenape:Na ntëlan, minkahsekòk.
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English:That eight year old boy came to the house.
Lenape:Na xash kahtënamit pilaechëch wikwahëmink pe.
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English:The store is near the house.
Lenape:Në mèmhalamùntikaon kixki wikwahëmink.
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English:The man is in front of the house.
Lenape:Nikani wikwahëmink ahpu na lënu.
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English:The road is in front of the house.
Lenape:Nikani wikwahëmink në tëmakàn.
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English:I can see a flirty man.
Lenape:Nkàski neyo chëmìnu.
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English:I raised a lot of watermelons.
Lenape:Nkishikënëm xaheli èskitamink.
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English:He hates to see me go outside because he thinks I am leaving. (Lucy is speaking of her dog.)
Lenape:Nshinki neyùkw ntëli kochëmink a litehe ntalëmska.
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English:My dress is in the house.; My shirt is in the house.
Lenape:Ntahèmpsëm wikwahëmink hate.
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English:I think they want that which we want.
Lenape:Ntite katatàmëneyok kiluna kètatamink.
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English:He walked around outside the house.
Lenape:Okuxwe wikwahëmink.
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English:Oh, there is that cute little person.
Lenape:O, shè lah na ninkëminakwtitit awèn.
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English:On the other side of the house.
Lenape:Osi wikwahëmink.
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English:Bring him to my house.
Lenape:Pèshu nëwikwahëmink.
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English:Bring him to my house.
Lenape:Pèshu nëwikwahëmink.
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English:Early in the morning we might have good luck.
Lenape:Sëtpuk konaèt tëminamihënuk.
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English:I am here south of the house.
Lenape:Shawneyunk wikwahëmink ntàpi.
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English:You are acting very foolish in this house.
Lenape:Sòmi kpëchehòsi yu wikwahëmink.
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English:It is very hot in the house.
Lenape:Sòmi kshëte wikwahëmink.
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English:It is ten minutes until five.
Lenape:Tèlën mìnët xu palenàxk.
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English:It is ten minutes after four.
Lenape:Tèlën mìnìt kìshi newa.
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English:He had a strange look on his face when I betrayed him.
Lenape:Wëlelëminkwèxin ènta mikwihakit.
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English:Help us so that we will see good things.
Lenape:Wichëminèn ntìlìch nemënën wëli kèku.
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English:The man is in the house.
Lenape:Wikwahëmink ahpu na lënu.
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English:Suddenly the long-waisted dog stood up.
Lenape:Wixkaochi na kwënahakwchat chëminkw nipu.
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English:He spilled it on his shirt. -or- She spilled it on her dress.
Lenape:Wsukhamën tòhèmpsëmink.
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English:He spilled it on his shirt and on his pants.
Lenape:Wsukhamën tòhèmpsëmink òk pwëlchisink.
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English:The man is behind the house.
Lenape:Wtenk wikwahëmink ahpu na lënu.
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English:The man is on top of the house.
Lenape:Xkwìchi wikwahëmink ahpu na lënu.