Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

By English WORD or PHRASE

By Lenape WORD or PHRASE

503 Sample Sentence Search Results For "li"

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English:Tell a story, you know many things.
Lenape:Achimwi, xaheli kèku kuwatu.
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English:It is difficult for me to chew because my teeth were pulled.
Lenape:Ahchinki nshëshkòmwi èli nipita kchihëleyok.
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English:It tastes very sweet.
Lenape:Ahi shukelipukòt.
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English:It is very shady here.
Lenape:Ahi thakòt yu tali.
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English:Count the apples.
Lenape:Ahkim yuk apëlìshàk.
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English:Is there a warrior here who can call me a coward?
Lenape:Ahpu hàch ila kèski luwihëlit shwilait?
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English:He seems to smell clean.
Lenape:Alàshi pilimakwsu.
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English:He began to drink because he was afraid.
Lenape:Alëmi mëne èli wishasu.
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English:She began to make her like a person.
Lenape:Alëmi wëliha alàshi awèn.
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English:He left because he hated him.
Lenape:Alëske èli shinkalat.
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English:Perhaps he knows more of the Shawnee language.
Lenape:Alëwi èt në Shaonuwii lixsëwakàn watu.
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English:You are many years older.
Lenape:Alëwi ki xeli kahtënami.
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English:I admire myself more and more.
Lenape:Alëwi nulinao nhàkay.
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English:Alice has two kittens.
Lenape:Alice wëlahële nisha pushitëta.
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English:He sent us on an errand to bring these good things to give to the chief.
Lenape:Alukakehëna tìli pètuna weltëk kèkuna ènta milënt na sakima.
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English:He has a hat on his head.
Lenape:Alukwèpi wilink.
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English:He lost his language.
Lenape:Ankhitun èlixsit.
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English:I ate an apple and then I went to school.
Lenape:Apëlìsh nëmuhò na në shkulink ntan.
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English:And so many other tribes in that direction ate it.
Lenape:Ashìte yuk kènu wëntahkwi awènhakeyok xeli mwichineyo,
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English:He raised his head toward heaven.
Lenape:Asphùkwe lih òs'hakame.
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English:Go west, young man.
Lenape:Ehëliwsikakw a, skìnu.
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English:I put it on the table.
Lenape:Ehèntalipwinkink ntatun.
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English:The molasses is sticking to the table.
Lenape:Ehèntalipwinkink psàkwixën në mëlash.
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English:I placed it under the table.
Lenape:Ekwi èhèntalipwinkink ntatun.
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English:He put a pencil under the table.
Lenape:Ekwi ehëntalipwinkink tòtun pènsìl.
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English:Both of those people.
Lenape:Elii nèk awènik.
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English:These dishes look alike.
Lenape:Elinakohtu yul lokènsa.
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English:These flowers look alike.
Lenape:Elinakwsuwàk yuk òtaèsàk.
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English:When a person wants to put a baby to sleep they sing this.
Lenape:Enta awèn kahta kawënhèt mimëntëta nal në tëli asuwin..
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English:When someone gets ready to die.
Lenape:Enta awèn kahta palilìsit.
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English:When I used soap I made a lot of foam.
Lenape:Enta sop nhakatàmën nëmanitu mëxeli pitay.
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English:When he got there.
Lenape:Enta tali pat.
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English:Oh, I am thankful that you came.
Lenape:E, wanìshi ktìli pan.
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English:Oh, finally the river overflowed.
Lenape:E, xantki palishpe yu sipu.
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English:He went into the ground.
Lenape:Hakink lih pënchi.
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English:Put your hand(s) down.
Lenape:Hakink lintxke.
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English:I fell on the ground.
Lenape:Hakink ntëlihëla.
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English:You went there but did not even get out (of a conveyance)
Lenape:Ika kta shëkw mata ili klixi.
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English:I go farther to the north.
Lenape:Ikalìchi luweyunk nta.
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English:I go farther to the east.
Lenape:Ikalìchi wehènchiopànk nta.
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English:Go away and go home!
Lenape:Ikali machi!
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English:Go off and die!
Lenape:Ikali maonkël!
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English:Toward the east there is a little town called Grove.
Lenape:Ikali wehènchiopànk hate utènetët luwènsik Grove.
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English:I went there but I didn't get out (such as from a car).
Lenape:Ika nta shëkw mata nlixi.
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English:Even if someone talked about her she would not know it.
Lenape:Ili a awèn ahkënimao mata uwatuwën.
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English:Even if someone talked about her she would not know it.
Lenape:Ili a awèn ahkënimao mata uwatuwën.
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English:Sometimes they even bring frybread.
Lenape:Ili hànkw tamse pètuwàk salàpòna.
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English:It is even said they (dogs) can see witches.
Lenape:Ili hùnt kàski neyok yuki nuchihëweyok.
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English:Even you can do that.
Lenape:Ili ki kàski në laihòsin.
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English:Even this language it is already difficult for a person to use it.
Lenape:Ili yu lixsëwakàn mèchi awèn ahchinki nhakatàmën.
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English:We are at John's home in a different land.
Lenape:John wikit ahpihëna pili hakink.
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English:Do not curse or you will have pus on your neck.
Lenape:Kàchi këlukeyàn, xu mëli kukwèni.
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English:Don't get down (from something like a wagon or car).
Lenape:Kàchi lixihìch.
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English:Do not abuse a pitiful dog.
Lenape:Kàchi mësi lihao kètëmaksit mwekane.
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English:Do not eat chicken skin when you are young or you will have a wrinkled face.
Lenape:Kàchi michiyàn tipasi xès ènta wësksiàn, xu kpisëlinko.
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English:Don't worry; Don't be depressed.
Lenape:Kàchi sàkwelìntàmuhàn.
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English:Our mother is very good looking.
Lenape:Kahèsëna ahi wëlinakwsu.
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English:He wants to go on a vision quest.
Lenape:Kahta may linkwehële.
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English:He wants more than I want.
Lenape:Kahtatàm xaheli kèku nawènahta ni.
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English:They almost look alike.
Lenape:Kahti èlinakwsuwàk. {DN}
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English:The people were surprised.
Lenape:Kanshelìntàmuk nèk awènik.
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English:I am very glad.
Lenape:Kehëla nulelìntàm.
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English:I saw a great many trees.
Lenape:Këkhìtèli hìtkuk neyook.
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English:He speaks Delaware very well.
Lenape:Këkhìt wëli alënixsu.
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English:What I think
Lenape:Kèku èlitehaa.
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English:What they think.
Lenape:Kèku èlitehahtit.
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English:How can I help you?
Lenape:Kèku hàch a ktëli wichëmël?
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English:What different things should we talk about?
Lenape:Kèku hàch a pili ahkënutàmuhëna?
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English:What else should we say?
Lenape:Kèku hàch a pili ktëluwehëna?
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English:What do you think about this way that we live?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ktëlelìntàmen yushe èlawsienk?
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English:What are your thoughts about where we live?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ktëlelìntàmën yushe èlawsienkw?
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English:What color are those beads?
Lenape:Kèku hàch liksuwàk nèki manshapiàk?
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English:What color is that (thing)?
Lenape:Kèku hàch likte nën?
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English:What does it smell like?
Lenape:Kèku hàch limakòt?
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English:What language does he speak?
Lenape:Kèku hàch lixsu?
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English:What did your late mother really like to do?
Lenape:Kèku hàch naka kahèsa wëli mikëntàm?
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English:What is the reason I cannot eat there at the table?
Lenape:Kèku hàch wënchi mata nkàski mitsi èhèntalipwink tali?
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English:What color is it?
Lenape:Kèku hèch likte?
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English:What color is Charles hair?
Lenape:Kèku hèch likte na Charles mwilàxk?
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English:What does he look like?
Lenape:Kèku hèch linakswu?
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English:What does he look like or is he ugly?
Lenape:Kèku hèch linakwsu shihàch xahinakwsu?
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English:What color is your dres?
Lenape:Kèku likte ktahèmpsëm?
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English:What color is your dress?
Lenape:Kèku likte ktahëmpsëm?
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English:What color is the bead?
Lenape:Kèku likte në manshapi?
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English:What language does he use (speak)?
Lenape:Kèku lixsëwakàn nhakatàm?
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English:Listen to the locust (cicada).
Lenape:Këlìsta na pasalànke.
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English:The weatherman lied when he said, "It is a good day."
Lenape:Këlune na 'weatherman' ènta luwèt, "Wëli kishku."
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English:We gave him sugar so they could make it.
Lenape:Këmilawëna shukël tili a kàski manituneyo.
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English:Would you give me some eggs?
Lenape:Këmili hèch a òòla?
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English:Have you ever eaten buffalo?
Lenape:Këmìmhò hèch sisiliè?
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English:Have you ever eaten buffalo?
Lenape:Këmìmhò hèch sisiliye?
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English:We eat at the table.
Lenape:Këmitsihëna ehèntalipwinkink.
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English:You ate the apples.
Lenape:Këmuhòòk nèk apëlìshàk.
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English:I saw you people pick it up yesterday.
Lenape:Kënewëluhëmo tìli kwëtënëmëneo lòkëwe.
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English:How many rocks are there on the table?
Lenape:Kèxa hèch ahsëna xkwìchi ehèntalipwinkink?
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English:I only know a few of the words.
Lenape:Kèxaptun shëkw ntëli watun.
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English:They look a bit different.
Lenape:Kèxiti pililinakwsuwàk.
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English:You brought it on yourself.
Lenape:Ki ktëlinëm.
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English:I saw many cakes.
Lenape:Kitèli shukëlàpòna nem.
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English:Near the window there are many birds eating.
Lenape:Kixki èhèshàntèkink xaheli chulënsàk pèchi mitsuwàk.
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English:We will go outside and play.
Lenape:Kòchëmink ktalìch mai papihëna.
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English:Perhaps it even smells because I sweat.
Lenape:Konaèt ili chimakòt èli hànkw nkètaptiksi.
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English:Perhaps I smell good.
Lenape:Konaèt nëwëlimakwsi.
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English:Let me warm by the fire.
Lenape:Kona linai aosin.
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English:Let me eat.
Lenape:Kona linai nëmitsin.
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English:Let me read the newspaper.
Lenape:Kona linai ntàkima na newspaper.
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English:Let me walk.
Lenape:Kone linai pëmëskan.
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English:Let him go, he will have to carry that on his own back (such as a bad deed).
Lenape:Konëlinaw, nihëlàchi noyuntàmën.
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English:You should think about it.
Lenape:Kpënaelìntàm a.
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English:Did you hear the Shawnees singing at Whiteoak?
Lenape:Kpëntaok hàch nèk Shaonuwàk pe asuwihtit yu tali Whiteoak?
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English:Please give me some bread.
Lenape:Ksi mili ahpon.
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English:It does not look like mud.
Lenape:Ku alàhshi sisku linakòt.
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English:He is not quick like other cats.
Lenape:Ku alàpihële alàshi pili pushisàk.
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English:The younger Delawares cannot even talk Delaware.
Lenape:Ku ili kàski alënixsiiyok nèk wëski Lënapeyok.
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English:They do not even use a toothbrush and even so they have good teeth.
Lenape:Ku ili nhatamuiyok 'toothbrush' nahëli owëlanikeyok.
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English:They would not even go along on a hunt.
Lenape:Ku ili wichi alaiyok.
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English:He could not do anything else.
Lenape:Ku kàski pili kèku lësii.
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English:He doesn't give a darn.
Lenape:Ku kèku litehe.
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English:Are you glad because we did well?
Lenape:Kulelìntàm hàch èli nulaihòsihëna?
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English:Are you glad?
Lenape:Kulelìntàm hèch?
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English:Did you sleep well?
Lenape:Kuli hèch kawi?
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English:Did you sleep well last night?
Lenape:Kuli hèch kawi welakwike?
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English:You have good luck.
Lenape:Kuli linàm.
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English:You prayed well.
Lenape:Kuli patama.
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English:You look at me well the way I look.
Lenape:Kuli pënai shè në ni ntëlinakwsin.
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English:I never saw birds dance.
Lenape:Ku neneyo chulënsàk tìli këntkaneyo.
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English:We do not want anything unclean in that place.
Lenape:Ku nkatatamuwën kèku niskèk në ta tali.
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English:I do not hear him well.
Lenape:Ku nuli pëntaoo.
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English:They never heard it because of what was said, breakfast, dinner, supper, nothing but eating together.
Lenape:Ku pihpëntàmënuwiyo èli luwèntasik "breakfast, dinner, supper," mata shùkw mitsahtin.
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English:No one else ever fed him.
Lenape:Ku ta awèn pili tòxamaiyo.
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English:I am not going to town, I will go elsewhere.
Lenape:Ku utenink nta, pali xu nta.
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English:I am not going to town, I am going elsewhere.
Lenape:Ku utènink nta, pali xu nta.
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English:He does not know the Lenape language.
Lenape:Ku uwatu Lënapei lixsëwakàn.
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English:He doesn't know many things.
Lenape:Ku uwatu xaheli kèku.
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English:Do you know many of the Lenape stories?
Lenape:Kuwatu hàch xaheli achimëwakàna Lënapei?
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English:You know what I look like.
Lenape:Kuwatun èlinakwsia.
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English:You will know how I look.
Lenape:Kuwatun èlinakwsia.
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English:They did not all live together.
Lenape:Ku wèmi kwëtèli wikhatiiyok.
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English:I did not see many cakes.
Lenape:Ku xèli shukëlàpòna nemu.
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English:I wish you good luck.
Lenape:Kwëlaha kuli linàmën.
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English:We hope that we will have good thoughts.
Lenape:Kwëlaha nkàski wëlitehanèn.
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English:I wish I had a cow so he could graze there.
Lenape:Kwëlaha wèhshùmwis nulhala na hànk ntiasin në ta tali..
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English:I hope you will say good things when you talk about me.
Lenape:Kwëlaha wëli kèku ktëluwe enta ahkënimia.
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English:At one time I had many friends.
Lenape:Kwëtën mah xeli witisàk nulhala.
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English:On one acre.
Lenape:Kwëti èkëlink.
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English:I will help you in every way I can.
Lenape:Kwichëmëlch wèmi kèku lih.
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English:You see well again.
Lenape:Làpi kuli nema.
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English:Tell me again.
Lenape:Làpi lëli.
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English:Give me one more frybread.
Lenape:Làpi mili kwëti salàpòn.
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English:At first it seemed like he had just come for a visit.
Lenape:Linakòt hìtami lëni kiike.
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English:It looks like it will rain.
Lenape:Linakòt xu sukëlan.
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English:She looks pregnant. (lit.- 'she looks like she will have more relatives')
Lenape:Linakwsu xu ànchi lànkuntàm.
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English:The snow has melted.
Lenape:Linksu na kun.
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English:Melt the butter.
Lenape:Linkte në putël.
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English:He must think it will rain.
Lenape:Litehe èt xu sukëlan.
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English:He thinks perhaps it will rain.
Lenape:Litehe èt xu sukëlan.
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English:He thinks it will rain.
Lenape:Litehe xu sukëlan.
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English:Yesterday I went to Bartlesville and I saw many Delawares.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mah Kamink nta, xaheli Lënapeyok neyo.
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English:Long ago John Wilson he brought it here.
Lenape:Lòmëwe èt naka John Wilson tìli pètun.
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English:Long ago when I lived in Dewey I sewed.
Lenape:Lòmwe ènta wikiane Dewey-ink nkëlixike.
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English:He looked to the north.
Lenape:Luwàneyunk linkwèxin.
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English:She is named Pretty Leaves Woman.
Lenape:Luwènsu Welipahkuxkwe,
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English:That place is named Seton Hall University.
Lenape:Luwèntasu në ta tali Seton Hall University.
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English:They said there are no pecans here.
Lenape:Luweyok ku ta kansèm yu tali.
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English:The white people long ago said we will live so long and finally we will lose everything.
Lenape:Luweyok lòmëwe yuki shëwanahkok xantki pètawsinèn tìlìch ànkhitunèn wèmi kèku.
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English:There was a fight here.
Lenape:Mahtakèn yu tali.
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English:There was a dance here.
Lenape:Mahwink yu tali.
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English:He is mad because he said that.
Lenape:Manunksu èli në luwèt.
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English:The old woman was mad because the old man winked at her.
Lenape:Manunksu na xawshisës èli na hilusës pòkinkwelahtaot.
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English:No one is permitted to drink soup.
Lenape:Mata awèn lelëma tìlìch mënèn kshitay.
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English:He will never again eat too much.
Lenape:Mata chich usamëluli.
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English:No one could even say anything.
Lenape:Mata ili awèn kèku luwe.
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English:That man did not even sweat.
Lenape:Mata ili ktaptiksii na lënu.
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English:The man didn't even get sweaty when he chopped wood.
Lenape:Mata ili ktaptiksi na lënu ènta kiskhakwèt.
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English:You certainly can speak good Lenape already.
Lenape:Mayay ta ki kàski wëli alënixsi mèchi.
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English:She would go play with many children.
Lenape:May wìchi papi xaheli mimënsàk.
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English:It had already begun to stink.
Lenape:Mèchi alëmi alimakòt.
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English:Have you people finished cleaning that house?
Lenape:Mèchi hàch kìshi kpilitamëneyo nëni wikëwam?
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English:Have you had supper?
Lenape:Mèchi hàch kìshi sàpëli?
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English:He already went home because he was sleepy.
Lenape:Mèchi machi èli kahtunkòm.
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English:He already went home because he was thirsty.
Lenape:Mèchi machi èli katusëmwit.
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English:He already went home because he was very sleepy.
Lenape:Mèchi machi èli sòmi kahtunkòm.
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English:He already went home because it was raining.
Lenape:Mèchi machi èli sukëlànk.
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English:He already went home because he was hungry.
Lenape:Mèchi machii èli katupwit.
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English:The corn is already tasseling.
Lenape:Mèchi na xaskwim sëwali.
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English:We are pitiful now because we have lost so many things.
Lenape:Mèchi nkëtëmaksihëna ànkhitunèn xahèli kèku.
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English:I have already forgotten what many of these Indian tribes are called.
Lenape:Mèchi nonin xaheli yuki mèxkeòhkësichik èluwènsihtit.
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English:It is already just like mud.
Lenape:Mèchi wëli alàhshi sisku.
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English:The food is on the table.
Lenape:Mehëmichink èhèntalipwinkink hate.
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English:Merry Christmas!
Lenape:li Këlëshmësh!
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English:That man is crying.
Lenape:limu na lënu.
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English:I am going to the store because I need bread.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink nta èli ahpòn nakatàm.
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English:He looked toward the lake,
Lenape:Mënëpèkink linkwèxin.
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English:Remember that many of our friends died last winter.
Lenape:Mëshatàmën xaheli kitisënàk ànkëluk luwàne.
English:He received a vision because he lives a pure life.
Lenape:Mëshënëm linkwehëleokàn èli pilawsit.
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English:We walked for about an hour.
Lenape:Mhituxwehëna ahpami kwëti awëlink.
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English:We will give them corn and women to help them plant it.
Lenape:Milawëna xàskwim òk xkweyok wichëmëkuk tìli hàkihèneyo
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English:Give me some bread.
Lenape:Mili ahpòn.
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English:Give me some coffee.
Lenape:Mili kàpi.
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English:Give me some ice water.
Lenape:Mili kunapu.
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English:Give me a quarter (25¢).
Lenape:Mili kwëti nahënëm.
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English:Give me one horse.
Lenape:Mili kwëti nehënaonkès.
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English:Give me one horse.
Lenape:Mili kwëti nehënaonkès.
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English:Give me one cat.
Lenape:Mili kwëti pushis.
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English:Give me more coffee.
Lenape:Mili kwiakwi kàpi.
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English:Give me some money.
Lenape:Mili moni.
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English:Give me that horse.
Lenape:Mili na nehënaonkès.
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English:Give me that chicken.
Lenape:Mili na tipas.
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English:Give me the bread.
Lenape:Mili në ahpòn.
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English:Give me the legging.
Lenape:Mili në kakun.
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English:Give me those arrows.
Lenape:Mili nèl alunsa.
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English:Give me the dish.
Lenape:Mili në lokèns.
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English:Give me two frybreads.
Lenape:Mili nisha salàpòna.
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English:Give me a frybread.
Lenape:Mili salàpòn.
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English:Give me a frybread and give this woman two frybreads, she is hungry.
Lenape:Mili salàpòn òk mil wa xkwe nisha salàpòna, kahtupu.
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English:Give me a chicken.
Lenape:Mili tipas.
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English:Give me some chicken, and give this young man some pork.
Lenape:Mili tipas, òk mil wa skìnu kwëshkwësheyok.
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English:Give me some meat and potatoes, I am hungry.
Lenape:Mili wiyus òk hopënisàk, nkatupwi.
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English:Give me lots of frybreads.
Lenape:Mili xeli salàpòna.
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English:I hit him on his head.
Lenape:Mpàlama wilink.
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English:I am talking on the tape recorder today.
Lenape:Mpëmëtunhe sëkahsënink tali yukwe ènta kishkwik.
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English:I watched TV for three hours.
Lenape:Mpënamën TV naxa awëlink.
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English:I heard that he had died,
Lenape:Mpëntamëm tìli ànkëlën.
Sound Icon
English:I bit myself by accident, I hate doing that,
Lenape:Mpitàntama nhakai, nshinki në lìsin.
Sound Icon
English:I bit myself by accident, I hate doing that,
Lenape:Mpitàntama nhakai, nshinki në lìsin.
Sound Icon
English:I got into a canoe or boat.
Lenape:Mpusi muxulink.
Sound Icon
English:The apple is redder than the strawberry.
Lenape:Na aplëlìsh alëwi màxksu nawènahta në tehim.
Sound Icon
English:I simply won't go back.
Lenape:Nahëli a mata nkwëtki.
Sound Icon
English:They stopped there.
Lenape:Nahkihëleyok tali.
Sound Icon
English:Jim thinks he will be sweaty when he chops wood.
Lenape:Na Jim litehe xu ktaptiksu ènta kiskhakwèt.
Sound Icon
English:John's mother is named Eliza.
Lenape:Na John kohèsa luwènsu Eliza.
Sound Icon
English:The man who follows another man because he is afraid of ridicule.
Lenape:Na lënu ènta naolat pili lënuwa èli kwitànk pawchètëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:The man thought the boy told the truth.
Lenape:Na lënu litehe na pilaechëch wëlamëwe.
Sound Icon
English:The man thought the woman would feed him.
Lenape:Na lënu litehe tòxamùku nèl xkweyo.
Sound Icon
English:The man thought he would be fed.
Lenape:Na lënu litehe xu xàma.
Sound Icon
English:The man has scratches on his face.
Lenape:Na lënu sistëlinkwexin.
Sound Icon
English:That is the way he began to grow up.
Lenape:Nal në lih alëmikin.
Sound Icon
English:That is all that I know.
Lenape:Nal në shëk ntëli watun.
Sound Icon
English:All I know is what the old people said a long time ago.
Lenape:Nal në shëk ntëli watun èluwèhtit lòmëwe kikainkahke.
Sound Icon
English:The dog is lying under the table.
Lenape:Na mwekane shenkixin èkwi èhèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:I am shivering from the cold wind.
Lenape:Nànkahchi èli thàxink.
Sound Icon
English:Then I told him, It is a nice day.
Lenape:Na ntëlan, Wëli kishku.
Sound Icon
English:I told these children that I am like Wehixamukes, a person must speak correctly to me.
Lenape:Na ntëlaok yuki mimënsàk wëli ta ni alàshi Wehixamukes, kënch ta mayay awèn keko lite.
Sound Icon
English:Then we told him, 'Okay, all right, we are glad.'
Lenape:Na ntëlawëna, 'Yuh nal ta nën, nulelìntàmuhëna.'
Sound Icon
English:The white man was just sitting there.
Lenape:Na shëwanàkw wëli lëmatahpu.
Sound Icon
English:Then he told his mother and father, "this is what I saw."
Lenape:Na tëlan nèl kohèsa òk uxò, "ntëlinàmën."
Sound Icon
English:He went to look for some other women.
Lenape:Natunao pili xkweyok.
Sound Icon
English:Then I told Jim on the telephone that there was repeatedly lightning and thunder here last night.
Lenape:Na wa Jim ntëla ènta sëkahsënink sasapëlehële mah òk pèpèthakhòn yu tali welakwike.
Sound Icon
English:The girl placed the turkey on the table.
Lenape:Na xkwechëch tòhëlao nèl chikënëma èhèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:Then when I finish eating I have to get ready to go to town.
Lenape:Na xu kìshi mitsiane ntalëmi wènchahki èli nkata utènink a.
Sound Icon
English:I made a mistake when I sewed.
Lenape:Nchanitun ènta këlixea.
Sound Icon
English:The hat on his head is grooked.
Lenape:Në alukwèpi wilink pimixën.
Sound Icon
English:The Juncos (type of bird) returned.
Lenape:Nèki Chëlilisàk ktëkiyok.
Sound Icon
English:Those Quapaw (Indians) bring the food.
Lenape:Nèk Okahpaok tëli pètuneyo në mehëmichink.
Sound Icon
English:Those old women were pleased.
Lenape:Nèk xawshisësàk wëlelìntàmuk.
Sound Icon
English:While he was beginning to fall asleep.
Lenape:li alëmi kawit.
Sound Icon
English:The leaves are beginning to be red and yellow because it is already Autumn.
Lenape:Nèl këmpahko alëmi màxkeyo òk wisaeyo èli mèchi tahkokën.
Sound Icon
English:I bought many things.
Lenape:Nëmahëlàm xeli kèku.
Sound Icon
English:I buy an apple.
Lenape:Nëmahëlao apëlìsh.
Sound Icon
English:I made him go there.
Lenape:Nèmaniha tìli ika aan. {DN}
Sound Icon
English:I am mad at him because he lied.
Lenape:Nëmanunksitao èli këlune.
Sound Icon
English:We all drink the same water.
Lenape:Nëmënehëna kwëtèli mpi.
Sound Icon
English:I will drink it here.
Lenape:Nëmënèn yushe tali.
Sound Icon
English:I sat on the floor near the table.
Lenape:Nëmëshake kixki ehèntalipwink.
Sound Icon
English:My woman friend gave me many books.
Lenape:Nëmilùkw na nichus xaheli lekhikàna.
Sound Icon
English:My older sister said, our mother is very good looking.
Lenape:Nëmis luwe, kahèsëna ahi wëlinakwsu.
Sound Icon
English:I ate an apple.
Lenape:Nëmuhò apëlìsh.
Sound Icon
English:He knows me now that he stopped disliking me.
Lenape:Nënakw èli ala shinkalit.
Sound Icon
English:That other rock looks different.
Lenape:Në takok ahsën pili linakòt.
Sound Icon
English:I grabbed it quickly because it was falling.
Lenape:Nëwèchilahtu èli alëmi pënihëlèk.
Sound Icon
English:She named me because she could sing her vision song in the Big House Church.
Lenape:Nëwihëlùkw èli kàski atehumu Xinkwikaonink.
Sound Icon
English:I would like to eat a pear.
Lenape:Nëwinkama hàkhàkopëlìsh.
Sound Icon
English:I like to eat buffalo.
Lenape:Nëwinkama na sisilie.
Sound Icon
English:I will go along because I do not think anything of my life.
Lenape:Nëwitèch èli mata kèku ntëlelìntàmuwën në lehëlexeokàn.
Sound Icon
English:I am the one who did not return.
Lenape:Ni ntëli mata kwëtkiwën.
Sound Icon
English:I myself led these of the Turtle Clan when there was a war.
Lenape:Ni ntëli sahkakwënaneyo yuki Pukuankuichik ènta mahtakenk.
Sound Icon
English:It has been cold here for two days.
Lenape:Nishukwëne the yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:My mother ate many frybreads.
Lenape:Nkahès xaheli salàpona michu.
Sound Icon
English:My mother ate many frybreads.
Lenape:Nkahès xaheli salàpòna michu.
Sound Icon
English:My mother ate many frybreads.
Lenape:Nkahès xèli salàpòna michu.
Sound Icon
English:I want an apple.
Lenape:Nkatala apëlìsh.
Sound Icon
English:I almost cried.
Lenape:Nkati mëlimwi.
Sound Icon
English:I'm hungry, give me that cake.
Lenape:Nkatupwi, mili në shukëlàpòn.
Sound Icon
English:I caught him telling a lie.
Lenape:Nkëlàkho tìli këlunèn.
Sound Icon
English:I sewed my dress.
Lenape:Nkëlixamën ntahèmpsëm.
Sound Icon
English:I sewed on my shirt. ; I sewed on my dress.
Lenape:Nkëlixhamën ntahèmpsëm
Sound Icon
English:I visited the west.
Lenape:Nkiikàmën në ehëliwsike.
Sound Icon
English:I raised a lot of watermelons.
Lenape:Nkishikënëm xaheli èskitamink.
Sound Icon
English:I raised a lot of corn.
Lenape:Nkishikënëm xeli xàskwim.
Sound Icon
English:I have already thought about it.
Lenape:Nkìshi pënaelìntamën.
Sound Icon
English:Gold earrings.
Lenape:Nkuli sahkaxehuna.
Sound Icon
English:A gold watch and chain.
Lenape:Nkuli wach òk sukahëlas.
Sound Icon
English:I am afraid that I will starve.
Lenape:Nkwitàmën tìlìch shawlamwin.
Sound Icon
English:I forgot many things.
Lenape:Nonin xeli kèku.
Sound Icon
English:It annoyed me so finally I left it alone.
Lenape:Nsëlilwën xantki mpuitun.
Sound Icon
English:I am weak because I am a broken down old woman.
Lenape:Nshawsi èli pòkxawësh ni.
Sound Icon
English:We are sorry for what we said.
Lenape:Nshielìntàmuhëna èluweyànk.
Sound Icon
English:I got married yesterday.
Lenape:Nshilìntàm lòkëwe.
Sound Icon
English:I do not like to listen to bad talk (news) now because there is a war.
Lenape:Nshinki këlìsta mahchikwi luweokàn èli mahtakèn yukwe.
Sound Icon
English:He hates to see me go outside because he thinks I am leaving. (Lucy is speaking of her dog.)
Lenape:Nshinki neyùkw ntëli kochëmink a litehe ntalëmska.
Sound Icon
English:I was upside down when I was hanging.
Lenape:Ntachichkoli ènta shehëlan.
Sound Icon
English:I love the Delaware language.
Lenape:Ntahotàmën Lënapei lixsëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:I leave to go prepare it for you.
Lenape:Ntalëmska may wëlixtulën..
Sound Icon
English:So that I can speak well.
Lenape:Ntëli kàski wëlaptune.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because I can still speak Lenape.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli kwiakwi kàski alënixsia.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that I am again at my home.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli làpi paan wikia.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you came. (welcome)
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli paan.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that you came. (Welcome!)
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli paan.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that you all came. (Welcome!)
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli paèk.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you people came.
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli paèkw
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because I have lived until this day.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli pètawsia yukwe ènta kishkwik.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you did well.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli wëlësit.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad because you came here.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm èli yu paan.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that I came here.
Lenape:Nulelîntàm èli yu paa yu tali.
Sound Icon
English:I am glad that I can again walk around on this earth.
Lenape:Nulelìntàmën èli kàski làpi pëmësketàmën yushe xkwithakamika.
Sound Icon
English:I was glad when she said that because I like her.
Lenape:Nulelìntàm ènta në luwèt èli nëwinkala.
Sound Icon
English:We had a good meeting.
Lenape:Nuli achimulsihëna.
Sound Icon
English:I repaired the car (or wagon).
Lenape:Nuliha na tëpchehëlas.
Sound Icon
English:I fixed the car. (or wagon)
Lenape:Nuliha na tëpchehëlas.
Sound Icon
English:Dr. Scott cured me.
Lenape:Nulihùkw na Dr. Scott.
Sound Icon
English:I slept well.
Lenape:Nuli kawi.
Sound Icon
English:We ate well.
Lenape:Nuli mitsihëna.
Sound Icon
English:I like the way he dresses.
Lenape:Nulinàmën ehahkwit.
Sound Icon
English:I like the way they dress.
Lenape:Nulinaok elahkwihtit.
Sound Icon
English:I hear him well.
Lenape:Nuli pëntao.
Sound Icon
English:I know him well.
Lenape:Nuli waha.
Sound Icon
English:I got married in Dewey.
Lenape:Nushilìntàm Dewey-ink.
Sound Icon
English:My father told my mother that everything looks good.
Lenape:Nux tëlao nkahèsa wèmi kèku wëlinakòt.
Sound Icon
English:She had a doll that looked different that she made of sticks.
Lenape:Ohtasu hìtko mësilinakòhtu wëlitu.
Sound Icon
English:And they do not even want to understand the Delaware language.
Lenape:Ok mata ili kòta nënustamëneyo në Lënapeixsëwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:And this Jim speaks good Lenape.
Lenape:Ok washe Jim wëli alënixsu.
Sound Icon
English:Oh, I am going to go to town anyhow.
Lenape:O, nahëli utènink nta.
Sound Icon
English:Are there many opossums around here?
Lenape:Opinkwike hàch yu tali?
Sound Icon
English:Oh, that little dog was glad.
Lenape:O, wëlelìntàm na mwekanetët.
Sound Icon
English:I am very glad.
Lenape:Pahkànchi nulelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:I am very glad to see you.
Lenape:Pahkànchi nulelìntàm èli newëlàn.
Sound Icon
English:We should go to a different place.
Lenape:Pali a ktahëna.
Sound Icon
English:He went away.
Lenape:Pali e.
Sound Icon
English:They went elsewhere.
Lenape:Pali eyok.
Sound Icon
English:They went somewhere else.
Lenape:Pali eyok.
Sound Icon
English:He moved to a different chair.
Lenape:Pali lehëlëmatahpink è.
Sound Icon
English:Take the rock away.
Lenape:Pali lënëmën në ahsën.
Sound Icon
English:Take away the sickness.
Lenape:Pali lëni në palsuwakàn.
Sound Icon
English:The people from the north speak differently.
Lenape:Palilixsuwàk nèk luwàneyunki awènik.
Sound Icon
English:The creek overflowed.
Lenape:Palishpe yu sipu.
Sound Icon
English:He lives elsewhere.
Lenape:Pali wiku.
Sound Icon
English:The man will go elsewhere.
Lenape:Pali xu e na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:I will go elsewhere.
Lenape:Pali xu nta.
Sound Icon
English:That dog is tracking.
Lenape:Pènhalike na mwekane.
Sound Icon
English:The leaves fell off the trees because it was windy.
Lenape:Pënipahkihëleyòk hìtkuk èli kshàxën.
Sound Icon
English:I used cedar because I wanted to purify myself.
Lenape:Pëphòkwës nakala èli kata pilhìksi.
Sound Icon
English:He cleaned the squirrel.
Lenape:Piliha na xanikw.
Sound Icon
English:The Delawares live differently from the White people.
Lenape:Pililawsuwàk yuki Lenapeyok nawènahta Shëwanahkok.
Sound Icon
English:This flower is a different color.
Lenape:Pililikwsu wa òtaès.
Sound Icon
English:This flower looks different.
Lenape:Pililinakwsu wa òtaès.
Sound Icon
English:I want to talk about something different.
Lenape:Pili nkata kèku ahkënutàm.
Sound Icon
English:He spoiled them all.
Lenape:lihao wèmi awèni.
Sound Icon
English:I placed a mouse on my head. (from song sung by a cat)
Lenape:Pukwès nilink ntahëla.
Sound Icon
English:He waits for him to get home.
Lenape:Pwèhao tìlìch machin.
Sound Icon
English:Peel this apple.
Lenape:Pxàkha wa apèlìsh.
Sound Icon
English:That person is worried.
Lenape:Sàkwelìntàm na awèn.
Sound Icon
English:They were sad because where they were was spoiled.
Lenape:Sàkwelìntàmuk èli palitunasik në èpihtit.
Sound Icon
English:He ate many frybreads.
Lenape:Salàpòna xeli michu.
Sound Icon
English:These rocks are black.
Lenape:Sëkeyo yuli ahsëna.
Sound Icon
English:The glass is on the table.
Lenape:Shapontèk hate èhèntalipwinkink.
Sound Icon
English:He looked to the south.
Lenape:Shawneyunk linkwèxin.
Sound Icon
English:There is someone else who is gathering acorns.
Lenape:Shè òk na pili awèn pè ònàxkwimhèt
Sound Icon
English:The leaves are pretty because they are all different colors.
Lenape:Shiki nèl këmpahko èli wèmi likteyo.
Sound Icon
English:The peach tastes sweet.
Lenape:Shukëlipukwsu na pilkèsh.
Sound Icon
English:Land of buffaloes.
Lenape:Sisiliei hakink.
Sound Icon
English:It is very cloudy, it looks like it will rain.
Lenape:Sòmi kùmhòkòt, èlinakòt xu sukëlan.
Sound Icon
English:I got so mad I threw a tantrum.
Lenape:Sòmi nëmanunksi wëli nkëpchehëla.
Sound Icon
English:It tastes too sweet.
Lenape:Sòmi shukëlipukòt.
Sound Icon
English:It is too cold to go to town.
Lenape:Sòmi the tëlia utènink an.
Sound Icon
English:It has a good sound.
Lenape:Sòmi wëlitakòt.
Sound Icon
English:I went to the stable.
Lenape:Stèpëlink nta.
Sound Icon
English:What color eyes does Mary have?
Lenape:Ta hèch likte na Mary wëshkinko?
Sound Icon
English:What color are those beads?
Lenape:Ta hèch tòliksin nèk manshapiàk?
Sound Icon
English:A turtle cannot fly away because he does not have any wings.
Lenape:Tahkox ku kàski kënthwihële èli mata wëlunkòna wëlatu.
Sound Icon
English:A little blouse was made.
Lenape:Tàkhwèmptët wëlitaonu.
Sound Icon
English:I will not cook for you.
Lenape:Ta kwixënihuli.
Sound Icon
English:Where is this place?
Lenape:Tani hàch yu tali?
Sound Icon
English:How do you know that he is skinny?
Lenape:Tash kwënchi watun tìli alukin?
Sound Icon
English:There are strawberries and onions there.
Lenape:Tehim në shè tali òk ulepënàk.
Sound Icon
English:I can count to ten.
Lenape:Tèlën nkàski lih ahkëntàm.
Sound Icon
English:He looked to the north.
Lenape:linkwèxin luwàneyunk.
Sound Icon
English:He could not eat him because he was too salty.
Lenape:Tòlëmhoo èli sòmi shëwë.
Sound Icon
English:He has lost many things.
Lenape:Tònkhìtun xeli kèku.
Sound Icon
English:He has pus around his neck.
Lenape:Ukwènu mëli,
Sound Icon
English:You went to town then you gave me a dress.
Lenape:Utènink kta na këmili hèmpës.
Sound Icon
English:You went to town and then you gave us dresses.
Lenape:Utènink kta na këmilinèn hèmpsa.
Sound Icon
English:If I had gone to town I would have been glad.
Lenape:Utènink mah aane nulelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:If he had gone to town I would have been happy.
Lenape:Utènink mah ate nulelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:He forgot that he was alone.
Lenape:Wànin tili xuhanin.
Sound Icon
English:Thank you because we lived to see the morning again.
Lenape:Wanìshi èli opanàsnèn làpi.
Sound Icon
English:My mother here ate a lot.
Lenape:Wa nkahès xeli michu.
Sound Icon
English:I wonder if she wants to sew?
Lenape:Wèchi èt kahta këlixike?
Sound Icon
English:Maybe it is what they eat that cleans their teeth.
Lenape:Wèchi èt kèku ènta mitsihtit pilituneyo nèl wipitëmëwo.
Sound Icon
English:Perhaps he thinks when he talks that way he can scare someone.
Lenape:Wèchi èt litehe ènta në lëtunhèt kàski wishamao.
Sound Icon
English:They all went east together.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk lìltin.
Sound Icon
English:He looked to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk linkwèxin.
Sound Icon
English:He has a lot of money.
Lenape:Wëlatu xeli moni.
Sound Icon
English:She was glad because Walks Downstream and I came to help him.
Lenape:Wëlelìntàm èli Nahuxwe òk nèpe pèchi wichinkeyànkw.
Sound Icon
English:He was glad when he found out that we would help him.
Lenape:Wëlelìntàm ènta watakw tìli wichëntihënuk.
Sound Icon
English:It is just like mud.
Lenape:li alàhshi sisku.
Sound Icon
English:He talks just like a Lenape.
Lenape:li alàshi Lënape pëmëtunhe.
Sound Icon
English:He talks good Delaware.
Lenape:li alënixsu.
Sound Icon
English:He spoke Delaware well when he read the papers.
Lenape:li alënixsu ènta ahkimat nèl pambila.
Sound Icon
English:A good person.
Lenape:li awèn.
Sound Icon
English:I must look like a Unalachtigo.
Lenape:li èt ni alàshi Wënilaxtiku ntëlinakwsin.
Sound Icon
English:Did you have a good look at him before?
Lenape:li hàch knihëneyo?
Sound Icon
English:He didn't even say anything.
Lenape:li hànkw mata kèku luwe.
Sound Icon
English:He didn't even see (something).
Lenape:li hànkw mata nehku.
Sound Icon
English:She said something good to us.
Lenape:li kèku lëkunèn.
Sound Icon
English:It is a good day.
Lenape:li kishku.
Sound Icon
English:It is a good event; Something good happened.
Lenape:li lè.
Sound Icon
English:That man has good luck.
Lenape:li linàm na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:He is very mad.
Lenape:li manunksu.
Sound Icon
English:Your mother is good looking.
Lenape:linakwsu kahès.
Sound Icon
English:His mother is good looking.
Lenape:linakwsu kohèsa.
Sound Icon
English:That Delaware woman is good looking.
Lenape:linakwsu na Lënapexkwe.
Sound Icon
English:That man looks good.
Lenape:linakwsu na lënu.
Sound Icon
English:Those Delaware women are good looking.
Lenape:linakwsuwàk nèk Lënapexkweyok.
Sound Icon
English:Happy New Year!
Lenape:li Newiyal!
Sound Icon
English:I know him well.
Lenape:li nuwaha.
Sound Icon
English:He is actually walking.
Lenape:li pëmëske.
Sound Icon
English:Does it taste good?
Lenape:lipukòt hèch?
Sound Icon
English:The soup tastes good.
Lenape:lipukòt në kshitay.
Sound Icon
English:They tasted very good. (something animate like apples)
Lenape:li winkëluk.
Sound Icon
English:The cat has pretty fur.
Lenape:lixekëne na pushis.
Sound Icon
English:Everyone who saw him was surprised.
Lenape:Wèmi awèn neyòte chipelìntàm.
Sound Icon
English:Everything looks good
Lenape:Wèmi kèku wëlinakòt
Sound Icon
English:They are all colors.
Lenape:Wèmi likteyo.
Sound Icon
English:The lightning repeatedly flashed everywhere.
Lenape:Wèmi li sasapëlehële.
Sound Icon
English:He spoiled all of them.
Lenape:Wèmi pòlihao.
Sound Icon
English:It rolled everywhere.
Lenape:Wèmi tali tëpchehële.
Sound Icon
English:He came from everywhere.
Lenape:Wèmi wënchi tali pe.
Sound Icon
English:Hand me the sweet potatoes.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni nèk shukëlipënisàk.
Sound Icon
English:Hand me the sweet potatoes.
Lenape:Wëntaxlëni nèl shukëlipënàk.
Sound Icon
English:A while ago there was a meeting here.
Lenape:Wèski mah yu tali maehëlan.
Sound Icon
English:Help me when I fix up where I live.
Lenape:Wichëmi ènta kahta wëlixtun ènta lawsia.
Sound Icon
English:Help us so that we will see good things.
Lenape:Wichëminèn ntìlìch nemënën wëli kèku.
Sound Icon
English:Help me so that I can stand up well in this life.
Lenape:Wichëmi tëli nkàski wëli nipain yushe èntalawsienkw.
Sound Icon
English:They help them to plant (or to make graden).
Lenape:Wichëmùkuk tìli hakihèneyo.
Sound Icon
English:If they live there I will live here.
Lenape:Wikihtite nëshe tali ni yu nëwikin.
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English:He lives at the place.
Lenape:Wiku yushe tali.
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English:The basket is on her head.
Lenape:Wilink hate në tànkhakàn.
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English:The basket is placed on her head.
Lenape:Wilink hatu në tànkhakàn.
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English:Those people lived contentedly because they were always happy.
Lenape:Winkawsuwàk nèk awènik èli nkëme wëlatuwàk.
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English:He spoiled it immediately.
Lenape:Wishai pòlitu.
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English:They are afraid of the water as it is getting deeper.
Lenape:Wishalëkwëneyo në mpi èli alëmi xitkwe.
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English:He got fat because he ate too much.
Lenape:Wisu èli sòmipwit.
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English:She cooks and cleans house.
Lenape:Wixënu òk pilikwahëme.
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English:He got married to a woman named Kathy.
Lenape:Wshilìntàmao nèl xkweyo èluwènsit Kathy.
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English:There are many animals.
Lenape:Xahèli aèsësàk.
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English:Many stones are there.
Lenape:Xaheli ahsëna hateyo.
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English:A great many people.
Lenape:Xaheli awènik. {DN}
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English:Many went to the east.
Lenape:Xaheli eyok wehènchiopànk.
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English:There are many trees.
Lenape:Xahèli hìtkuk.
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English:You want a lot.
Lenape:Xaheli katatàmën.
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English:Many things.
Lenape:Xaheli kèku.
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English:I saw many things.
Lenape:Xaheli kèku nem.
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English:I won many things.
Lenape:Xaheli kèku nsihëwe.
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English:He had told me many things.
Lenape:Xaheli kèku ntëlkenèp.
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English:He told me many things.
Lenape:Xaheli kèku ntëlùkw.
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English:There are many ducks there.
Lenape:Xaheli kwikwinkëmuk tòpineyo.
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English:Many Lenape were there long ago.
Lenape:Xaheli Lënapeyok ahpupanik lòmëwe.
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English:There are many Delawares here.
Lenape:Xaheli Lënapeyok ahpuwàk yu tali.
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English:Many spirits live there under the water.
Lenape:Xaheli manëtuwàk tëntalawsineyo èkwpiyink.
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English:There are many medicines where I eat.
Lenape:Xaheli mpisuna ènta mitsia ika hate.
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English:There were many at that time.
Lenape:Xaheli nìki lëkhìkwi.
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English:There are many cranberries here.
Lenape:Xaheli pakim hate.
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English:Dogs definitely know many things.
Lenape:Xaheli ta wa mwekane uwatun kèku.
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English:Many went to the east.
Lenape:Xaheli wehènchiopànk eyok..
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English:Finally I found some buffaloes.
Lenape:Xantki nëmàxkaok sisilieyok.
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English:Finally I found a buffalo.
Lenape:Xantki nëmàxkao sisiliya.
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English:Finally I told him, because he was writing, 'You doing your homework?'
Lenape:Xantki ntëlan, èli lekhikèt, 'You doing your homework?'
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English:There are many people.
Lenape:li awènik.
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English:Many people came.
Lenape:Xeli awènik peyok
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English:Were many people killed?
Lenape:Xeli hèch awènik nhilaok?
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English:Many trees were blown over.
Lenape:li hìtkuk amxuk.
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English:There must have been many Indians.
Lenape:Xeli hunt yuk awènhakeyok.
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English:He bought many things.
Lenape:Xeli kèku mhalàm.
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English:I want to know many things.
Lenape:Xeli kèku nkata watu.
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English:I forgot many things.
Lenape:Xeli kèku nonin.
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English:I forgot many things.
Lenape:Xeli kèku nonin.
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English:You have a lot of money, I'll take it away from you.
Lenape:Xeli moni kulhatu, kchikënël.
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English:I have a lot of money.
Lenape:Xeli moni nulhatu.
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English:He has a lot of money.
Lenape:Xeli moni wëlatu.
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English:There were many who killed each other.
Lenape:Xeli niltin.
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English:A lot was spoiled.
Lenape:Xeli palitasu.
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English:There are many houses near the river.
Lenape:Xeli wikwahëma kixki sipunk.
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English:You must visit me again.
Lenape:Xu làpi kikali.
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English:I will think about it.
Lenape:Xu mpënaelìntàmën.
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English:Soon I will eat well.
Lenape:Xuniti nulipwi.
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English:He will have many of them.
Lenape:Xu xeli wëlahële.
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English:These people are all different sizes.
Lenape:Yuk awènik wèmi lìlkuk.
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English:These trees already have many leaves.
Lenape:Yuk hìtkuk mèchi xaheli wëlatuwàk këmpahko.
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English:From now on he will be known by his name.
Lenape:Yukwèch wënchi alëmi wahkwësu tìlìch luwènsin.
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English:This dish and that other dish look alike.
Lenape:Yu lokèns òk në takok lokèns èlinakohtu.
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English:This song is sung when someone wants to put a baby to sleep.
Lenape:Yushe asuwakàn ènta awèn kahta kawënhèt mimëtëta nal në tëli asuwin.
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English:It has been cold here for two days.
Lenape:Yu tali nishukwëne the.
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English:This place where the old Delawares had lived.
Lenape:Yu tali yushe xuwi Lënapeyunkahke wihikihtit.