Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

By English WORD or PHRASE

By Lenape WORD or PHRASE

78 Sample Sentence Search Results For "aon"

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English:The horse quickly jumped over the rock.
Lenape:Alëwakihële na nehënaonkès në ahsën.
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English:Perhaps he knows more of the Shawnee language.
Lenape:Alëwi èt në Shaonuwii lixsëwakàn watu.
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English:He stands on the porch.
Lenape:Alëwikaonink nipu.
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English:My coat is blue.
Lenape:Aone nshakhùkwiàn.
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English:I put on a blue shirt; I am wearing a blue shirt.
Lenape:Aonhèmpës ika ntatu.
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English:My eyeglasses are foggy.
Lenape:Aonihëleyo nushkinkhòkana.
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English:That bird is blue.
Lenape:Aonsu na chulëns.
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English:That horse is strong.
Lenape:Chitanësu.na nehënaonkès.
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English:Go off and die!
Lenape:Ikali maonkël!
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English:What about the bird that is blue?
Lenape:Kàchi hàch na chulëns aonsit?
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English:We do live in a rock house.
Lenape:Kiluna wikihëna ahsënikaonink.
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English:Did you hear the Shawnees singing at Whiteoak?
Lenape:Kpëntaok hàch nèk Shaonuwàk pe asuwihtit yu tali Whiteoak?
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English:Are you lost?
Lenape:Ktaonkël hàch?
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English:Are you people lost?
Lenape:Ktaonkëluhëmo hàch?
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English:I am not going to the store.
Lenape:Ku mèmhalamùntikaonink nta.
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English:It is not blue.
Lenape:Ku ta aoneiyo.
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English:Do you know any songs from the Big House Church??
Lenape:Kuwatu hàch asuwakàna Xinkwikaoni?
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English:Try out that horse.
Lenape:Kwëchihëlalal na nehënaonkès.
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English:He went to the store.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink e.
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English:You came to the store.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink kpa.
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English:I am going to the store because I need bread.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink nta èli ahpòn nakatàm.
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English:They came to the store.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink peyok.
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English:The lawyer's house is on the left.
Lenape:Mënànchi hate në lòyèsikaon.
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English:Give me one horse.
Lenape:Mili kwëti nehënaonkès.
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English:Give me one horse.
Lenape:Mili kwëti nehënaonkès.
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English:Give me that horse.
Lenape:Mili na nehënaonkès.
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English:We came to the store.
Lenape:Mpahëna mèmhalamùntikaonink.
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English:I talk with him on the telephone.
Lenape:Mpàkàntamaon sëkahsën. {DN}
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English:A dog went to the doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekane è mwekaneikaonink.
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English:He went to the doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekaneikaonink è.
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English:I went to a doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekaneikaonink nta.
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English:That strong horse is eating corn.
Lenape:Na chitanësit nehënaonkès michu xàskwim.
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English:The man lives in a rock (stone) house.
Lenape:Na lënu wiku ahsënikaonink.
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English:That chicken went to the chicken house or coop.
Lenape:Na tipas tipasikaonink è.
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English:I rode over the hill on horseback.
Lenape:Nehënaonkèsahpi òsaonkwe..
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English:A horse is grazing.
Lenape:Nehënaonkès ntiasu.
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English:Those young men looked at the old house.
Lenape:Nèki skìnuwàk pwënamëneyo në xuwikaon.
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English:I bought the horse.
Lenape:Nëmahëla na nehënaonkès.
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English:I rode bareback over the hill.
Lenape:Nëmëkuttièpi òsaonkwe.
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English:The store is near the house.
Lenape:Në mèmhalamùntikaon kixki wikwahëmink.
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English:She named me because she could sing her vision song in the Big House Church.
Lenape:Nëwihëlùkw èli kàski atehumu Xinkwikaonink.
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English:I live in an old house.
Lenape:Nëwiki xuwikaonink.
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English:I see (or saw) the horses.
Lenape:Neyok nèki nehënaonkèsàk.
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English:I am riding horseback.
Lenape:Ni ta nehënaonkèsahpi.
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English:I went to the store.
Lenape:Nta mèmhalamùntikaonink.
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English:The horse is grazing.
Lenape:Ntiasu na nehënaonkès.
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English:He looks for horses.
Lenape:Ntunao nehënaonkèsa.
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English:I went over the hill.
Lenape:Osaonkwe nta.
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English:They pray in the Big House Church for twelve nights.
Lenape:Patamaok lamunkwe Xinkwikaonink tèlën òk nisha piskèk.
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English:You came from church.
Lenape:Patamweikaonink kum.
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English:I came from church.
Lenape:Patamweikaonink num.
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English:Boy, go get that Shawnee child.
Lenape:Pilaèchi, nal na Shaonutët.
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English:Boy, go get that Shawnee woman.
Lenape:Pilaechi, nal na Shaonuxkwe.
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English:It was clean inside the council house.
Lenape:Pilët lamunkwe na achimulsikaon.
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English:A cat is sitting on the porch.
Lenape:Pushis lëmatahpu alëwikaonink.
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English:That horse has black spots.
Lenape:Sësëkisàpsu na nehënaonkès.
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English:He went to the south.
Lenape:Shaoneyunk e.
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English:I go to the south.
Lenape:Shaoneyunk nta.
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English:The wind is blowing from the south.
Lenape:Shaoneyunk wëntxën.
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English:I will go south.
Lenape:Shaoneyunk xu nta.
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English:Shawnee war dance song
Lenape:Shaonuwi ilawke asuwakàn
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English:Stretch out the tent.
Lenape:Shipënëmën në hèmpsikaon.
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English:A little blouse was made.
Lenape:Tàkhwèmptët wëlitaonu.
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English:He went into the tent.
Lenape:Tëmike na èmpsikaonink.
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English:I am going to the chicken house (coop)
Lenape:Tipasikaonink nta.
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English:Last night I went to a dance among the Shawnees.
Lenape:Welakwike mawink nta Shaonuwike.
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English:Does Mary have a blue coat?
Lenape:Wëlatu hèch na Mary aonèk shakhùkwian?
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English:He lives in a rock house.
Lenape:Wiku ahsënikaonink.
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English:He lives in a hut.
Lenape:Wiku yakaonink.
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English:That horse is gray.
Lenape:Wipunkwsu na nehënaonkès.
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English:Does Tom have yellowish hair?
Lenape:Wisaontpe hèch na Tom?
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English:He bathed the horse.
Lenape:Wtòxixëmuhëlao nèl nehënaonkèsa.
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English:That doghouse is ugly.
Lenape:Xahinakòt në mwekaneikaon.
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English:I heard it in the Big House Church.
Lenape:Xinkwikaonink mpëntamën.
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English:A large horse.
Lenape:Xinkwi nehënaonkès.
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English:The horse is jumpy (nervous).
Lenape:Xwësu na nehënaonkès.
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English:He lives in a hut.
Lenape:Yakaonink wiku.
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English:I heard this song in the Big House Church.
Lenape:Yushe asuwakàn ènta Xinkwikaonink mpëntàmën.